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Wendy Waldman |
Easter Saturday.
Kim HIll Features Richard Dawkins hitman Sean Faircloth
Its all very nice for Dawkins and co to have glittering careers as this or that but to try and systematically deflate the whole christian ethos is criminal.
All Dawkins arguments might be both valid and sound but thats just a drop in the ocean compared to what Jesus has done for us all and drips like dworkins need to get off their asses and read some history.
There is more to life than some crummy syllogism attached to a scientific theory.
Trying to create something out of nothing but your own ego just doesnt do it.
And Dawkins looks like hje has had too many stray r**TS ON THE SPEAKING CIRCUIT AND IT HAS GONE TO HIS HEAD.
He has a bad case of Plato's disease.
Because he knows something he thinks he knows everything!
He is as bad as the late Frank Cioffi who made a career out of trying to debunk Sigmund Freud.
Well Freud will live long after Cioffi is forgotten and shame on the Oxford Companion to Philosophy who give cioffi space to peddle his slurs and slanders with no supporting evidence.
The editors of this volume need a good kick in the pants.
Best wishes go out to Jesse Ryder.
Chch has always been a repository of drunken sleazeballs who think they are tough after a few drinks.
Jane Clifton
on the nail with her thumbnail on the new Speaker of the House.
he has been in the National party caucus so long with brownlee and keys letting rip with snide wisecracks that he thinks it is normal behaviour and that his party has exemption from any and all other rules.