Thursday, February 28, 2013

the storms are on the ocean

"For the normative self-understanding of modernity, Christianity has functioned as more than just a precursor or catalyst. Universalistic egalitarianism, from which sprang the ideals of freedom and a collective life in solidarity, the autonomous conduct of life and emancipation, the individual morality of conscience, human rights and democracy, is the direct legacy of the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love. This legacy, substantially unchanged, has been the object of a continual critical reappropriation and reinterpretation. Up to this very day there is no alternative to it. And in light of the current challenges of a post-national constellation, we must draw sustenance now, as in the past, from this substance. Everything else is idle postmodern talk."
and secular, agnostic, atheistic nimnuls who get up on RadioNew Zealand Afternoons with Jim MOra and want to start dunning the church for money should know better.
in my experieince most anti christians are people who break one or more of the seven deadly sins and find in the new world that they can criticise the church rather than take respoonsibility for their whatever. Which of the seven deadly sins do you think this one breaks. hint: who ate all the pies.


apart from that nothing much.
worked out the breaks for the Carter Family version of Crying Holy.
great song and so is The Storms Are On the Ocean right next to it.

and there ya go
watchout for the 245t
it makes ya genes go funny...

And just bought yet another copy of Chickenhawk for 50c at the famly shop and an eu pressing with john lee hooker and elmore james dusting his broom.
come on baby let the good times roll.

quik edit:
leaving here when I had to side step a mother basking in the refelcted glory of her pre-school son dragging his younger sister down in a rugby tackle and bumping her head.
I told him to stop and he ran and hid his head under his mothers skirts.
Later I mentioned it to the librarian and he said, "it wasn't that bad".
maybe but the intent was there and kids dont know that too many knocks in the head too early can spoil a siblings whole future.
tough titty huh?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

sing me back home...

with a song I used to hear
make all my memories come alive
take me away
turn back the years
sing me back home before I die

Paul Shaffer
Hi Paul.
Found a mint vinyl (!) today with the diamonds doin' the stroll.
say hi To Felicia to me.
she sounding very good at the moment.

Congrats to Hawkes Bay Farmer Tom Hartree.
with a name like that how could you miss?
tom is planting exotic tree species on his property.
coastal redwoods
deodara cedars and other stuff.
Wonderful moves  Tom and you should be Kiwi of the year

time DOC got into the act and started encouraging others and if necessary subsidising them and importing the stock too.
how long is it since DOC actually planted a tree?

Tama Iti
if firearms are integral to your culture
and firearms were introduced by English Culture
then your culture is derived from English Culture

and Congrats to Rosemary McLeod
she gets better by the week
especially the bit about moving the public service to the Hutt Valley
(who got the consultants fee for that one and more to the point is who would get the contract)
New Zealand is like that
everything supplied by the cheapest bidder
except parliament for instance
the entrance looks like someone was given $100,000 to spend at Alarms 'R' Us and they went out and bought as many gadgets as they could get on special
ho hum

She is right about Jim Veitch too.
What a nimnul.
no vision and a big salary and shift him out to Palmy Nth where he cant cause too much trouble except when some nitwit reporter who doesn't know any better gives him some space.

He can knuckle your head before you count to four

Can Never Beat a Spad

Crossfire Hurricane was great last night.
Second half next week on Prime Wednesday at 9:30
It all seems so long ago now but they were just so good.
Full of drive and vigour and joie de vivre
They had the rock and the roll and it never got any better.
how many of the little twerps prancing around on television or some corporate sponsored winery tour can put it out like that.
the short answer is none.
they soft in the head and soft in the body and think they know everything already and all they have to do is stand there and jump and down.
they wont be playing your songs in music history 101 in the year 2500

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

wellington occasional newsleter...

ent to town on the train yesterday.
what a trip man...
nice and sunny and all the students were back
wall to wall beautiful young maidens.
thanks girls.
and two young buskers in Cuba Mall
hot stuff
make the girls shake their booty
ya dig?
did a kwik tour of the 2ndhand vinyl purveyors
and other places.
whip down willis street and up the cable car where I shared a seat with a spectacular dusky skinned chick in a yellow fiesta dress.
her boyrfriend was not impressed
tee hee.
zip thru da uni
no tucker
over the hill into the botgees and this vision of loveliness I saw two hours ago in the mall singing her heart out was having piccies done against the moore staute.
I felt like pan.
serious shit now.
molesworth street and new world for cheap eats on the run.
I'll be back kids.
then Natlib but it was closing and finally the big house
festtooonned with security
three goes to get in
and they are not very friendly either.
the metal detector kept going off but they just #@%*&#king round with the button!
the last threequarters of an hour
only a rump fitfully discussing the prsion bill.
serco will make $30 million a year and justih collins doesnt know what she is talking about.
jame lee jimbob was sabotaged by a young asian beauty who got up in the middle of his speech and shook her hotpants at him till he had to ssit down.
even the grey suited accountants in the speakers gallery smiled.
and they knocked off at three minutes to.
best speaker Andrew Little and Hipkins gets a gold star for getting down to it.
new zealand first well done
then it tokk three goes to get out.
I nearly lost my temper but this little jerk looked liked he himself would like to detain me because I just wanted to get out.
some security consutlatn has gone nuts.
Bit like Jack HItt on the UNited States congress.
the institution and the press has become paralysed with inanity.
Time for someone to break the knot.

anyway re the students.
when I was there they gsave me a degree to get rid of me.
but for you it is serious
big Congrats to Jim Mora and the anthropologist who told it like it is.
I wont go fishing with ya jack
but I'll go chasing women
put away that magazine and stop ya silly grinning
and get offa the sack of seeds

three most important albums of the 60's

and late at night I listened to Paul Shaffer and Feleicia Collins and Sid Mcginnes do the Stroll.
Love ya kiddies.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

deliver us from evil...

natural therapy
wishy washy bullshit from jumped up kiwi manques who cant believe they never had enough smarts to get to medical school and now they want to prove that they are just as smart as any doctor and think it a good idea to debase the whole concept of medical science just for good measure.
Any fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.
The Medical council must tighten the ship against the typical kiwi propensity for humbling professionals and demanding equal status for the ignorati.

Derek Freeman
Big congrats to Fairfax Pacific Correspondent Michael Field who has done some reading and has brought Freeman to book in this weeks Sunday Star Times.
The worst thing about freeman was the media leaped to support his pronouncements like it was just another good story but it was more than that.
he drove a stake into the heart of Anthropology and allowed the practitioners to abandon reality for the nonsense of Claude Levi-Strauss.
Levi-Strauss was just another french obscurantist who muddied the waters instead of clearing them
When I was green behind the ears I began to read him but halfway through the first chapter his animus began oozing off the pages and I realised I had an overwhelming dislike for the man qua man.
There was nothing about him I wanted to know.
He was cheap and nasty.
Just like Karl Popper.
proposing all sorts of dyadic bi polar dichotomies to confound and confuse when the the real was what was needed.
no little puzzles or schematics but an exposition that was available to all.
he was both raw and cooked and he turned into a half baked turnip.
Now is the time for Margaret Mead to be reintroduced.
so what if it is no longer possible to do the field studies that were possible when she started work but that is no reason to deny that any she did had no value at all because wah wa wah.

and on Saturday morning in Featherston I got some Rolling Stone Mags.
Didn't look like any one else was reading them!!!!!
One had a list of the 100 top guitarists of all time.
Some of the selection panel didn't seem to have much history but c'est la vie.
for what its worth cut to the chase and here is my list of the:
Top 10 Guitarists of all Time:
Keith Richards
Jimi Hendrix
Mike Bloomfield
Duane Allman
Muddy Waters
Elmore James
Chuck Berry
Eric Clapton
Jimmy Page
Jeff Beck

beat that!

People round here say Lance Hopping was good bloke and I have no reason to doubt that.
The balloon crash was a result of some inexplicable event that nobody will ever know.
The trickle release of selected facts is not good for anyone either except the opionators on the net and we should just wait for the official report and then put it behind us and show some forgiveness and tolerance.

WW1 News
this am
a fokker triplane and a Nieport and a Cessna 185 flew over my house.
must be  a beacon in the chimney.

Georges Guynemer

Masterton Park Lake.
Good item by Masterton archivist Gareth Winter on the formation of the park and the lake in the Wairarapa Times Age on Saturday.
I am not sure if I credit his exact story of events leading to the sealing of the lake but it is time the lake was restored to its former glory.
Otherwise it wil lbe necessary to import some water buffalo's and hippopotami and let them wallow in the mud all day.

Just got back from Masterton.
the first half of this post was done there but then I was flanked by two people both of whom had runny noses and were sneezing.
The staff should be empowered to ask people with obvious signs of a cold to vacate the building and come back another day. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

legend of a mind...

zilcho happening.
am down the valley for a hoedown on saturday afternoon.
had to run from the Family Shop in Carterton.
They always put out a few Good tapes and cd's on Saturday morning but I nearly missed the bus.
on the highway people going round and round in their new cars and then going home again.
hope my elbow keeps on the job.
its going to pack up completely if I dont do something like nothing.
working up 'sing me back home' by Merle Haggard and the Strangers (?)
Its on  an EU CD that I scored from the warehou a few years back and its got Branded Man and Lonesome Fugitive and a few others but I'm stuck on this one.
Just about there.
I have Donovan's 'Season Of the Witch" lyrics copied out on the opposite page of my songbook so I'm doing both at once.
Getting the phrasing right is quite difficult.
My cd wont back up so I've listened to it a bout 3 zillion times trying to get every syllable in the right place.
I will have to dig out a blank tape and resort to old technology.
So busy grooving to Don doing the hippy out there enunciation that I keep losing the syllable count and I'm waking up in the middle of the night trying to sing it right.
oh and I'm also running through Dark As Dungeon and Wreck On The Highway from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. eeasy changes. Just need to learn the words.
apart from that nada.
first time I have been in this Library.
And five brand new Rolling Stones smack dab in the middle and I am able to borrow them.

Mary_Kay Wilmers and Kim Hill. The guys who crashed the planes into the world trade centre were cowards. All suicides are cowards. They want to kill but first they must kill themselves. That is not bravery.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

the black hole sucks....

So do the baby boomers.
they took everything like it was their due and didn't put anything back.
air travel
anything they could get their hands on
the world was like a big pearl laid on for a thundering horde of swine!

yesterday I found two old lovely hardback books of Bible Stories from the 1920's
lovely illustrations and nicely abridged versions
the sorts of stuff we used to have at Sunday school.
what happened?

and what happened two.
folk songs, sea shanty's and carols.
we learned them in the primmers
away down rio
and its there that the river runs down golden sands
and we're bound for the Rio Grande
 oh darkies how my heart grows weary
far from the old folks at home

now its just gibber gibber oink oink
gibber gibber oink oink
oink oink gibber gibber

how do you like that

Black Caps.
sorry you lost dudes but you played the game and you are getting better!

Barack Obama
hi boss.
stay away from the flakes
you need authenticity
try becoming knowledgeable in Chicago Blues men
real men
real dues

10 % of Wairarap Electorate needed to foce a referendum
so what happened to democracy.
a referendum or plebiscite in this case should be a matter of right
not some frigging boondoggle dreamed up by a gang of wellington bureacrats.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I can feel the heat closing in...

I saw the kid take a hot shot in philly...
dead before he got the needle out of his arm.
William Burroughs
The Naked Lunch
60's junkie chic.
all over now of course.
the baby boomers are f*cked.
tangled up in a web of motorbikees, fake hot rods, property development, sarcopenia, old timers and wrinkle cream.
BTW, the wrinkle cream doesn't work.
ha ha ha f*cking ha.
sea change now.
the old world is passing.
drones 'n clones.
just got back from Masterton.
retail is pretty bad now but closing off the main street just to let a whole lot of old farts parade their junky British crap is a bit on the nose.
hows ya spec to make a dime that way?
New Zealand definitely going down in a sea of inanity.
the country is locked up in a myriad of straitjacketed box tickers.
choice dude.
baked beans or spaghetti.
still driven by a cadre who want to drive around in rover 90's, deux chevaux or old wolselys because they think that externally referencing themselves to expensive 50's British automobiles makes them aristocrats or country gentlemen at least.
but I did find Aristophanes and Euripides and the Father Brown stories so that will give me something to do when I get home.
Saw Dave Sindon sitting in a STAR in the main street.
under the hood it looked more American than British.
clean and orderly.
Asked him if he would play "legend of a mind" on this  Fridays 60's nostalgia show but he hasn't got it.
boo hoo.

Dompost this morning says the Labour Party could win the next election.
I hope so but they better promise there will be no repeat of the Boy Racer Episode and the police are given clear instructions to blow any recrudescence away post haste and more resources into cleaning up the P menace.
it has always seemed very strange how the P epidemic got away from everybody.
I personally find it very hard to believe that it achieved the proportions it did so easily without facing any resistance.

Monday, February 18, 2013

the night of the following day...

Ah Rita..
Absolutely loved you when I saw the 'night of the following day'.
still do.
You one of the babes that will live forever.
I have the dvd and give it a spin every now and again.
it ratchets up the tension and never lets go.
sorry to hear about your troubles with Marlon.
things never worked out for him in the end.
much sadness.
Marlon got it in Missouri Breaks so does life imitate art or vice versa.
Read 'Welcome to the Monkey House' for Vonneguts take on actors and their profession.
Good day today on the scavenger hunt front.
found a copy of Jitterbug Perfume and some Tom Waits albums (vinyl) in good nick.
for the richard boone fans here is another of his great ones.

now for something completely different...