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Listening to Radio New Zealand all day yesterday.
hopeless listening to radio sport.
Their programming is based on the idea that you get some manic depressive on the up cycle and let them go.
No plunket shield to while away an afternoon.
just hyperactive idiotes and their opinions!
Guitarist Milos Kadishack and some Indian woman both of whom had a lot to say made claims for behaviour based on supposed DNA.
just where on any chromosome is specific behaviour located.
Get your asses into gear and become active.
don't sit round blaming human attributes to mysterious forces.
Blame it on the Stones why doncha?
so the dominant theme yesterday was the constitutional review but what it boiled down to was factions and claques licking their lips about what they will get when they get their hands on the levers of power.
It seems as if only some people are being consulted and when they are it is about venal acquisitiveness.
No real understanding of why a constitution is necessary or unnecessary.
No historical examination of the first Constitution and why it was promulgated.
Just post modernistic grabbing.
Radio New Zealand is letting the country down badly by focusing on the desires of pressure groups instead of what it means to democracy.
At the moment it is beginning to look very much like a modern form of corporate FASCISM.
Groups making up rules to ensure their personal well being, satisfy their wills to power and to hell with the rest.
And it should be noted that the signing of the United States Constitution was unanimous.
Look what happened when Sir Pluvial Palmer tried to enforce a narrow legalistic constitution on Fiji.
They just ditched it and went their own way.
One might not like the people in charge there now but at least they know that they didn't want THAT.
ditto the Scottish National Party.
another group who have invented a mythical past and now want to wrest the taxing power off the United Kingdom Parliament all for themselves.
If they cant win a seat now then they don't deserve any further consideration.
David Cameron is right.
don't give an inch.
And let the people of Scotland know what they are in for if what amounts to just another power grab dressed up to make it look right is adopted.
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