Wednesday, July 16, 2014

modern miracle at Radio New Zealand..

they had a hiatus and stopped playing music by whining gamines and let one through by Melanie.
The whole outfit seems to be obsessed with being 'hip' and all they are is nebbish!

lay down lay down...
candles in the rain...

The fact of the matter is that Radio New Zealand has become totally partisan.
The cry from the right wing was that RNZ was a nest of leftys and were always working for the advancement of the New Zealand Labour Party.
This was in fact untrue.
Whatever the political preferences of the staff it never intruded into the programming.
What the right wing objected to was being questioned about anything.
National party waited their time and when they obtained the treasury benches they began to stack the staff with right wing manques and announcers that should have been on squawkback radio and not a serious radio station with  pretensions to intellectual ability.
Now it is staffed by persons with no obvious qualifications and no insight or discernment.
The place has taken a nosedive into partisan and philistine commentary that makes a mockery of its self image of being fearless and objective.
and the new staff are whiners too.
Guyon Epsiner just drips insincerity and neediness and Wallace Whatever finishes every second sentence with an interrogative.
He is worse than Kathryn Ryan.
Isn't he?
Bryan Krump is oleaginous and an uneducated fool. Where the hell did they find a bush to drag him out of.
The worst of it is they all think they are shit hot.
None of them know anything at all about music and whoever chooses the incidental music during the programmes doesn't know anything about music either.
Just the same old crap with no beat or lyric and powered by metronomic protools that just wont give up. Its vile. Well they do have lyrics but banal. uggggh.
and as for knowing nothing about music they dont seem to know anything about anything else either.
their production staff feeds them all these facts and all of a sudden they are experts on something they know nothing about.
thats the REAL kiwi way mate.
Isn't it?

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