Thursday, January 15, 2015

when its gone its all gone...

I dont like Salman Rushdie, nor sonny barger nor jayzee and beyoncey.
all their productions just dont do it for me.
I like Miley Cyrus. not for her behaviour but for her spirit.
you see she has one.
but I I respect their willingness to do their own thing no matter how trite or immoral they are.
And I have to agree with Rushdie that if it is free speech then there can be no restrictions whatsoever.
At the moment the world is crawling with immature locusts who have been infantilised and brought up spoiled and now they have the means to take their fantasies of omnipotence out on the world at large.
They want to plunder the oceans, enslave women and children and murder anyone who objects to their behaviour.
they think the world is here for them to shit on if they dont get their own way.
Mostly they need a good whipping and put to work.

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