Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Democracy in New Zealand....

Have to agree with Ron Mark MP who wants to re-instate direct physical voting in all elections to arrest the decline in voter turnout.
There is no doubt that when people have choices then they dont bother.
Furthermore there is an element of childishness in New Zealand that says if something costs a lot of money then it must be better than anything else.
all these internet doodads are in the final analysis just toys and replacing the tried and true with whizzkids and their toys is just infantilism and pandering to nitwits.

Big ups to Americans who decided in Iowa that America is not broken and they are not going to hand it over to the numbskulls to fix it.

Time for cannabis to made available to persons in need.
at the moment it is more or less the decision of elected members of Parliament who decide and they have set themselves up as tin Gods and making their decisions by focus group and 'likes' on social media.
This is more infantilism on the party of people who should know better.

Time for the parliament to do what is decent right and proper instead of playing cutesy pie with peoples lives.

Nadia Reid
Never heard of her before till yesterday when this Dunedin lass got a boxed half page and a four star review in MOJO Magazine.
there ya go.

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