Hot night last night.
Tossed and turned.
could not but help thinking of all the nonsense from the day.
however here is something to go on with.
When is lyn prentice owner of pseudo left wing blag The STANDARD going to grow some balls instead of letting the tories walk all over him and his rag while he pretends to play fair with journalistic integrity.
blah blah bullshit.
Local body elections.
there are several issues here in my book.
I will vote for the person who says they will reverse the decsion to charge 60c a sheet for photocopying.
whoever thought they were going to pay off Cartertons $8,000,000 white elephant by tripling the price of photocopying from 20c to 60c has a screw loose.
Plus the Library itself needs a complete reorganisation.
there are now 13 people getting an income from this cash cow and the layout is an abortion.
The toy library and Plunkett need to be relocated in the old courthouse and let the library go back to its core competencies instead of this pot pourri of trying to please everyone and not actually pleasing anyone.
This means that the Library can use the Ron Wakelin wing for its admin and stackroom instead of being chopped right down the middle with an entrance way separating the office from the library itself.
Plus it needs a front door and then if anybody wants a pee they can go round instead of being "inspected" by all these unpaid volunteers who presume to want to know your business!
The tackiness in the library never ends.
The OPAC keyboard is to high for kids and too low for adults and not really fit for purpose at all.
Ryan Lochte.
Just listened to non achiever Jack Tame on Newstalk ZB trying to crucify Ryan Lochte.
It is hard to decide who is the bigger jerk.
Tame or Lochte.
The thing is with kiwi blowhards is that they never have to face up to the people who they pillory and they would run a mile if they had to front up.
AS for Brazil if they are still going after him then grow up.
If you haven't enough kudos from running the games then prosecuting Lochte is not going to do anything for your country at all
Lochte is just another musclebound knuckleheaded ugly American who thinks because he is good at swimming then he is good at everything.
My advice to Brazil is let it go or you are going to end up looking just as childish as he is.
Tossed and turned.
could not but help thinking of all the nonsense from the day.
however here is something to go on with.
When is lyn prentice owner of pseudo left wing blag The STANDARD going to grow some balls instead of letting the tories walk all over him and his rag while he pretends to play fair with journalistic integrity.

Local body elections.
there are several issues here in my book.
I will vote for the person who says they will reverse the decsion to charge 60c a sheet for photocopying.
whoever thought they were going to pay off Cartertons $8,000,000 white elephant by tripling the price of photocopying from 20c to 60c has a screw loose.
Plus the Library itself needs a complete reorganisation.
there are now 13 people getting an income from this cash cow and the layout is an abortion.
The toy library and Plunkett need to be relocated in the old courthouse and let the library go back to its core competencies instead of this pot pourri of trying to please everyone and not actually pleasing anyone.
This means that the Library can use the Ron Wakelin wing for its admin and stackroom instead of being chopped right down the middle with an entrance way separating the office from the library itself.
Plus it needs a front door and then if anybody wants a pee they can go round instead of being "inspected" by all these unpaid volunteers who presume to want to know your business!
The tackiness in the library never ends.
The OPAC keyboard is to high for kids and too low for adults and not really fit for purpose at all.
Ryan Lochte.
Just listened to non achiever Jack Tame on Newstalk ZB trying to crucify Ryan Lochte.
It is hard to decide who is the bigger jerk.
Tame or Lochte.
The thing is with kiwi blowhards is that they never have to face up to the people who they pillory and they would run a mile if they had to front up.
AS for Brazil if they are still going after him then grow up.
If you haven't enough kudos from running the games then prosecuting Lochte is not going to do anything for your country at all
Lochte is just another musclebound knuckleheaded ugly American who thinks because he is good at swimming then he is good at everything.
My advice to Brazil is let it go or you are going to end up looking just as childish as he is.
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