Wednesday, February 28, 2018
sticky fingers...
I hear Kathryn Ryan promoting a segment about Sticky Fingers this morning on RNZ.
I have to go out so I will check it out on replay later.
They bound to get it all wrong!!!!!!.
However yesterday I heard She's A Rainbow coming out of the PA in the warehouse the other day followed by She's A Woman by the Beatles.
I felt resentful but then I realised that they might follow the form but THEY will never understand the function.
Sticky Fingers is an otherwise usually overlooked Stones album but it is a beauty.
I have to go out so I will check it out on replay later.
They bound to get it all wrong!!!!!!.
However yesterday I heard She's A Rainbow coming out of the PA in the warehouse the other day followed by She's A Woman by the Beatles.
I felt resentful but then I realised that they might follow the form but THEY will never understand the function.
Sticky Fingers is an otherwise usually overlooked Stones album but it is a beauty.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
when the roll is called up yonder...
Good day today.
Went back to the Hutt for a cd I should have bought on Monday.
Pink Floyds Relics.
Nifty little piece of 60's froth.
Before Sid flipped.
Passed on Monday but it kept nagging at me and it breaks the budget but hey since I stopped boozing fagging and chasing wimmin I have a little extra every now and again. hehehehhe.
Also scored Johnny Cashs "My Mothers Hymn Book" second hand but not so much damage to the pocket .
Love that gospel music.
Great to play leads to on my guitar.
Endless fun.
and wait for it.
I asked Rhys Paisley at Liberty Books in Upper Hutt if he had anything by Bruno Bettelheim and blow me down and pick me up he had "The Uses Of Enchantment" which is a wonderful book by a premier psychoanalyst about the importance of fairy tales for children.
all pedagogues should be acquainted with this work.
The basic premise is that fairy tales allow children to be exposed to what might be considered terrifying and horrible situations but in a safe environment where they can figure it out for themselves.
The universality and longevity of fairy tales testifies to their contribution to the rearing of children.
Bettelheim gets a bad rap from the Jungians beacuse he blew the whistle on Jungs peccadilloes and they cant stand stand that.
I must say that when I started my own personal journey into the unconscious my first port of call was one of Jungs weighty tomes that I found to be pretentious obscurantist nonsense.
He deliberately peddled mumbo jumbo in my opinion so that he could always be in control of the situation.
never mind.
The truth will out.
It is a great trip from the Wairarapa to Upper Hutt.
beautiful lush verdant countryside after the recent rains and plenty of crops in the fields.
The corn is as high as an elephants eye.
And it lookd like its reaching right up to the sky!
Fresh water in the mangatarere, the waiohine and teheranikau rivers.
A good flush.
Up the side of the ranges with cool views of Lake Wairarapa, 'the big muddy' and then through the Rimutaka tunnel, out the other side and suddenly into complete urbanisation.
Got a Dompost to read on the way.
Today it was mainly all substance for a change.
Been a bit of a liteweight two minute silence lately but every now and again its worth it.
Page 2.
Pic of new national party leader Soymin Bridges.
he has a tic. psychoanalysis says that tics are caused by not permitting infants to touch their own bodies from birth till when they are out of nappies.
Under another unconscious presumption that they are masturbating.
When this urge is repressed it can reappear in politicians as a wish to project their own repressed unconscious fantasies of juvenile omnipotence onto the world.
Page 4.
Peter Gotzsche of the worlds foremost medical evidence assessment body making the claim that psychiatric drugs dont work.
Also that mental health treatment isnot effective, causes harm and people were often better off or now worse without any medication.
Further when patients withdrew from medical drugs they suffered withdrawal symptoms that were then confused with mental health symptoms.
He said that current systems dont work and might be doing harm with over-diagnosis and over treatment.
He said it is time instead to focus on the known risk factors to mental illness including childhood trauma, alcohol, poverty and poor diet.
Drug treatments need to be better targeted and use minimum doses and people have access to other forms of treatment.
Page 7. op ed.
Joe Bennet has roused himself and is getting stuck in.
"Schools are excellent things but they don't form character or create life long learners or any of the other guff to be found in prospectuses or ministry websites.
Lets not pretend they do.
[There you have it kids.
we are being bombarded by bullshit from nitwits.]
and please, keep parents out of schools.
The whole pint of free universal and compulsory education is to give kids the chance to escape from their parents.
Every teacher and every parent in New Zealand should be made to sit down and read this till the person in charge is satisfied they understand what has been said.
another piece on the legal profession and the revelations about the practises and proclivities of senior members of big law firms including the original culprits Russel McVeagh.
These guys have watched to many episodes of Boston Legal and cant tell the difference between the media and reality anymore.
In other words these doyens and mavens have become infantilised.
Page B5
last but not least an article on the next big thing in female singer songwriters.
One Courtney Marie Andrews.
Lets hope this songbird is the real deal.
Much as I love the old stuff it is all a long time ago now and long past time for some new blood instead of the whining gamines that inhabit the TV these days.
Went back to the Hutt for a cd I should have bought on Monday.
Pink Floyds Relics.
Nifty little piece of 60's froth.
Before Sid flipped.
Passed on Monday but it kept nagging at me and it breaks the budget but hey since I stopped boozing fagging and chasing wimmin I have a little extra every now and again. hehehehhe.
Also scored Johnny Cashs "My Mothers Hymn Book" second hand but not so much damage to the pocket .
Love that gospel music.
Great to play leads to on my guitar.
Endless fun.
and wait for it.
I asked Rhys Paisley at Liberty Books in Upper Hutt if he had anything by Bruno Bettelheim and blow me down and pick me up he had "The Uses Of Enchantment" which is a wonderful book by a premier psychoanalyst about the importance of fairy tales for children.
all pedagogues should be acquainted with this work.
The basic premise is that fairy tales allow children to be exposed to what might be considered terrifying and horrible situations but in a safe environment where they can figure it out for themselves.
The universality and longevity of fairy tales testifies to their contribution to the rearing of children.
Bettelheim gets a bad rap from the Jungians beacuse he blew the whistle on Jungs peccadilloes and they cant stand stand that.
I must say that when I started my own personal journey into the unconscious my first port of call was one of Jungs weighty tomes that I found to be pretentious obscurantist nonsense.
He deliberately peddled mumbo jumbo in my opinion so that he could always be in control of the situation.
never mind.
The truth will out.
It is a great trip from the Wairarapa to Upper Hutt.
beautiful lush verdant countryside after the recent rains and plenty of crops in the fields.
The corn is as high as an elephants eye.
And it lookd like its reaching right up to the sky!
Fresh water in the mangatarere, the waiohine and teheranikau rivers.
A good flush.
Up the side of the ranges with cool views of Lake Wairarapa, 'the big muddy' and then through the Rimutaka tunnel, out the other side and suddenly into complete urbanisation.
Got a Dompost to read on the way.
Today it was mainly all substance for a change.
Been a bit of a liteweight two minute silence lately but every now and again its worth it.
Page 2.
Pic of new national party leader Soymin Bridges.
he has a tic. psychoanalysis says that tics are caused by not permitting infants to touch their own bodies from birth till when they are out of nappies.
Under another unconscious presumption that they are masturbating.
When this urge is repressed it can reappear in politicians as a wish to project their own repressed unconscious fantasies of juvenile omnipotence onto the world.
Page 4.
Peter Gotzsche of the worlds foremost medical evidence assessment body making the claim that psychiatric drugs dont work.
Also that mental health treatment isnot effective, causes harm and people were often better off or now worse without any medication.
Further when patients withdrew from medical drugs they suffered withdrawal symptoms that were then confused with mental health symptoms.
He said that current systems dont work and might be doing harm with over-diagnosis and over treatment.
He said it is time instead to focus on the known risk factors to mental illness including childhood trauma, alcohol, poverty and poor diet.
Drug treatments need to be better targeted and use minimum doses and people have access to other forms of treatment.
Page 7. op ed.
Joe Bennet has roused himself and is getting stuck in.
"Schools are excellent things but they don't form character or create life long learners or any of the other guff to be found in prospectuses or ministry websites.
Lets not pretend they do.
[There you have it kids.
we are being bombarded by bullshit from nitwits.]
and please, keep parents out of schools.
The whole pint of free universal and compulsory education is to give kids the chance to escape from their parents.
Every teacher and every parent in New Zealand should be made to sit down and read this till the person in charge is satisfied they understand what has been said.
another piece on the legal profession and the revelations about the practises and proclivities of senior members of big law firms including the original culprits Russel McVeagh.
These guys have watched to many episodes of Boston Legal and cant tell the difference between the media and reality anymore.
In other words these doyens and mavens have become infantilised.
Page B5
last but not least an article on the next big thing in female singer songwriters.
One Courtney Marie Andrews.
Lets hope this songbird is the real deal.
Much as I love the old stuff it is all a long time ago now and long past time for some new blood instead of the whining gamines that inhabit the TV these days.
Monday, February 26, 2018
everybody counts or nobody counts...
Talking to a few of my old codger mates of whom those who do not have a pc have just chucked the census 'communication' in the bin.
they are not going to ring an 0800 number and listen to dave dubbin sing loyal 50 times.
It is
full of instructions but assumes that everybody has a pc.
this is not so and this census has been dreamed up by nitwit whizzkids with no idea of reality.
what was wrong with the 'analog' system that it has been ditched so the stats people can feel hip and groovy and vibrant and ahead of the curve or whatever nonsensical buzword is in today.
has this one been set up by the nationals so that a million kiwis can just be disappeared?
they are not going to ring an 0800 number and listen to dave dubbin sing loyal 50 times.
It is
full of instructions but assumes that everybody has a pc.
this is not so and this census has been dreamed up by nitwit whizzkids with no idea of reality.
what was wrong with the 'analog' system that it has been ditched so the stats people can feel hip and groovy and vibrant and ahead of the curve or whatever nonsensical buzword is in today.
has this one been set up by the nationals so that a million kiwis can just be disappeared?
school shootings...
thanks to God so far there have been no mass school shootings in New Zealand.
I picked up a 2015 issue of the New Yorker the other day with an analysis of school shootings in the USA which are a modern phenomennon.
The writer of the article leans on the research of Stanford University sociologist Mark Granovetter who posits that school shootings are not copycat events but more or less a riot in slow motion that occurs after someone has thrown the first stone then makes it psychologically okay for those who follow.
i.e. after a hothead throws a stone then its open slather.
I dont know if there are psych tests that can predict this propensity in individuals but I do know that there is a kid in this town, Carterton who likes to throw stones at people and he does it when there is a gang of them but wont meet your eye when you see him alone.
this kid is headed for you know where.
I picked up a 2015 issue of the New Yorker the other day with an analysis of school shootings in the USA which are a modern phenomennon.
The writer of the article leans on the research of Stanford University sociologist Mark Granovetter who posits that school shootings are not copycat events but more or less a riot in slow motion that occurs after someone has thrown the first stone then makes it psychologically okay for those who follow.
i.e. after a hothead throws a stone then its open slather.
I dont know if there are psych tests that can predict this propensity in individuals but I do know that there is a kid in this town, Carterton who likes to throw stones at people and he does it when there is a gang of them but wont meet your eye when you see him alone.
this kid is headed for you know where.
Lee Hazlewood - Nancy Sinatra, Some Velvet Morning
Lee Hazlewood - Nancy Sinatra, Some Velvet Morning
Sunday, February 25, 2018
kathryn ryan and the finn....
Listened to KR interviewing the finnish psychologist on RNZ this am.
He claimed to have discovered a prophylactic for gambling in the anti opioid drug naloxone.
All well and good but his continued use of academic psychology terms such as "reward" behaviour for addictions was not convincing at all and it was almost is if he had no understanding of addiction at all.
Keeping it simple the American therapist Ann Wilson Schaeff who by the way lives in NZ encapsulated addiction as "the primary goal of any addiciton is to prevent the addict feeling their own true thoughts and feelings".
trying to wrap this problem up in academic epithets is worse than pretending that there is no problem at all.
There is no reward in overdosing on heroin or alchohol and all the in depth studies I have read concerning gambling have the anti-intuitive diagnosis that gamblers are persons who unconsciously wish to be punished for losing and pretending that they are looking for psychological rewards is arse about face for people who really have no idea about what they are dealing with.
He claimed to have discovered a prophylactic for gambling in the anti opioid drug naloxone.
All well and good but his continued use of academic psychology terms such as "reward" behaviour for addictions was not convincing at all and it was almost is if he had no understanding of addiction at all.
Keeping it simple the American therapist Ann Wilson Schaeff who by the way lives in NZ encapsulated addiction as "the primary goal of any addiciton is to prevent the addict feeling their own true thoughts and feelings".
trying to wrap this problem up in academic epithets is worse than pretending that there is no problem at all.
There is no reward in overdosing on heroin or alchohol and all the in depth studies I have read concerning gambling have the anti-intuitive diagnosis that gamblers are persons who unconsciously wish to be punished for losing and pretending that they are looking for psychological rewards is arse about face for people who really have no idea about what they are dealing with.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Friday, February 23, 2018
david seymour blerts...
rnz news has an item about act leader accusing shane jones of pork barrelling his electorate.
well news fo rseymour is that you have to start somewhere.
seymours prescriptions for the regions is doing away with the resource management act.
so all his libertarian mates can tear the countryside to pieces with no scruples or supervision.
I dont think so.
well news fo rseymour is that you have to start somewhere.
seymours prescriptions for the regions is doing away with the resource management act.
so all his libertarian mates can tear the countryside to pieces with no scruples or supervision.
I dont think so.
![]() |
Liteweight popinjay on steroids! |
Carterton School New Zealand...
they need a lesson in civics.
at present they are harbouring a gang of brats who follow people and harass them in the street.
one brat, Riccardo by name specialises in throwing stones.
he threw one so hard this morning it nearly broke the glass in the Carrington Park Bus Stop bus shelter.
are you at Carterton School so busy teaching non essential stuff that you cant teach decency and the underpinnings of the civil society?
at present they are harbouring a gang of brats who follow people and harass them in the street.
one brat, Riccardo by name specialises in throwing stones.
he threw one so hard this morning it nearly broke the glass in the Carrington Park Bus Stop bus shelter.
are you at Carterton School so busy teaching non essential stuff that you cant teach decency and the underpinnings of the civil society?
Thursday, February 22, 2018
noise and nuts...
New Zealand is riddled with noise.
angle grinders
outboard motors
if you have a small penis then you can buy something that will make everybody around you deaf in five minutes.
then you dont have to listen to yourself or your wife after she made you get your nuts cut off.
no give or take in New Zealand.
East coast of north island steep and erosion prone.
now is the time new zealand is rolling in acorns
get the kids out there and bag themup.
get the gubmint to provide money and oversow these hills with acorns.
I ma sure there are a few topdressing firms with downtime.
as soon as they are established then plant natives underneath.
oh sorry.
the metric does not provide for any profit.
then do nothing
thats the kiwi way!
angle grinders
outboard motors
if you have a small penis then you can buy something that will make everybody around you deaf in five minutes.
then you dont have to listen to yourself or your wife after she made you get your nuts cut off.
no give or take in New Zealand.
East coast of north island steep and erosion prone.
now is the time new zealand is rolling in acorns
get the kids out there and bag themup.
get the gubmint to provide money and oversow these hills with acorns.
I ma sure there are a few topdressing firms with downtime.
as soon as they are established then plant natives underneath.
oh sorry.
the metric does not provide for any profit.
then do nothing
thats the kiwi way!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
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new zealand is the place where the baby is always chucked out with the bathwater, no one says what they mean, and whatever policy plank anyo...