Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Is Carterton NZ the new Melbourne...

 One of my uncles was a mayor of one of Melbournes satellite suburbs and never once did he ever mention Carterton.


all this comes on the back of a report in todays Dompost where Cartertons mayor Greg Laing claims that Carterton will be the new Melbourne if they only open up a few alleys and direct people to where?

If he means like UPper HUtt then they too have alleys with shops barely scraping a living.

the whole rural western world  is emptying out but the Local Canutes think they can do something about it.

There are enough empty shops here already without creating new vacant spaces.

Greg wants to leave his mark. Carterton has had its share of cartoon character mayors beginning with Georgina Beyer, The Mirror, and latterly Ron Mark. Who would know how or why the local nabobs and kingmakers have allowed this freak show  to occur.

The reason I came to Carterton was because there was a hapening music scene at the time. As soon as GB left the gear was soon purloined and then the theatre was demolished and then came ronnie who desperately needed a gig and he was not bright enough to go to the NZ Army Staff College so he beached here.

They all going to do this and do that but none of them have really had a brain in their head and  no idea what the town needs which is: firstly a traffic bypass and secondly a micropulse radio station.

every tribal leader in the Hindu Kush has one for their valley alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I know there is an access radio in Masterton but find me one person who listens to it.

It is supposed to be pay as you go but "THEY" will find you a sponsor if THEY deem it fit.

ARROWFM is sclerotic and captured by its staff who are well paid by NZONAIR for doing not much.

There is a blues hour presented by someone who has no idea about music whatsoever and thinks it is risque to have songs by Dana Gillespie who is a great singer but has the most magnificent rack you have ever seen. WOW! how bluesy is that! blowsy more like it.

Only one out of every four of his picks is any good


the rest of the time they broadcast the most banal selection of new music which is mostly garbage.

Carterton has at least one vacant building which could house a small studio and an aerial which would cover line of sight and the whole valley more or less.

community means gardening, recipes, local businesses, you name it  and locals giving their message instead of the stilted scripted drivel that emanates from ARROWFM.

Gregs latest idea must have come from the big jar he had in the events centre looking for big ideas but as far as I am concerned it seemed like a desperate attempt by someone lacking imagination.

If you want to know something then talk to people. 

These people assume office and immediately adopt the posture that they know everything because they can read a position paper and ipso facto  you are a nobody

think again dummies

you know where that rainbow ends so get to it!

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