Wednesday, September 6, 2023

que son valley contractors poem...

 There's a ghost visits me in my house

I can see him but not my spouse
he likes to sit in my old rocking chair
don't say much just kinda sits and stares
at times my wife passes through
says ;" Who were you talking to ?"
" Wasn't me must'a been the TV."
but the strangest thing you could see
his face is always different to me
sometimes he looks like Larry
other times he resembles Barry
or Doc , Williams , or Phil O'Brien
sometimes he smiles , sometimes he's crying
but most times we pass the time
telling stories ,speaking in rhymes
you wouldn't think we'd have much to say
me at 70 , and he hasn't aged a day
but when I'm sitting there with him
I'm 18 all over again .
Young . Scared . Fit and.. Trim .

If you ever get to thinking you just want it to end
think back to all the times when
there wasn't a thing you wouldn't do
just to live another hour or two .

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