Friday, December 6, 2013

the consolations of philosophy...

there are many...
Much stuff happening in the ole town this morning.
I missed most of it!
sorry peoples.
Mainly the Rugby club garage sale.
I got the sausage wrapper (2 minute silence) but I obviously didn't read it properly.
Yesterday I got a dozen blank tapes from the thrift shop so I can spend the weekend making up music for my friends and sending them off.
They are like me.
They still have low tech devices!
and I found a nifty Piccy book from the LUTTERWORTH PRESS of old testament stories.
I get them with the intention of cutting out the piccies and framing them but I never do.
It seems such a shame to defile the book.
anyway the illustrations are really beautiful and evocative and I wonder why more christian organisations don't get them and blow them up for show.
too busy going on about gay marriage and h*m*sexual priests to take a position on God.
Been listening to a lot of Marty Robbins Lately.
Have I Told You Lately That I love You
Have I told you lately that I care.
That one is in E and from Barack enough to follow the pedal steel lines and get them down.
cool bananas.
Okay that's about all for now.
My ISP provider wont 2 rss feeds from inbox in a row so I missed the item  from Barack Obama claiming that the media tries to divide people.
well dats de troof people.
But in the end one has to rely on the ability of the common man to separate the weht from the chaff.
There will always be rednecks and area 52 types and just plain angry ignorati who disagree with everything but we gotta keep on trying
yes indeedy.

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