Thursday, September 29, 2016

real mentors and trojans...

take me for a ride in your airplane...


the strange case of losi fillipo.
convicted and discharged in court.
convicted by the birdbrains on twitter.
about to be tried twice in court for the same thing.
they all thought they could get him off at the start now he is a hot potato and he is on his own.
see that is the New Zealand way.
I do not condone what he did but the whole thing is becoming abysmal.
The Rugby Union wants to hide behind all these buzzwords and interrogatives, semi neologisms and anything else.. e.g. learnings,opportunities etc
They think because they are deep thinkers about the game of rugby (sic) then they are  deep thinkers about everything.
sorry but it doesnt work like like that.
b11 in todays rag has an item on Liam squire who we learn loves to knock people over and dish out the pain.
what sort of role model is he to bucks like Fillipo.
violence is endemic in Noo Zillun.
its everywhere.
standovers bullies and thugs.
I knew a guy who was maitre d at one of Wellingotns most fashionable eateries and he told me single guys would come in and get pissed and wait in the corridor to bash perfectly inoocent people as they left then run away in the fullknowledge that no one would get them.
hey is that cool or what?

and voting.
Ron Mark is right on it when he dishes postal voting.
hey its new its groovy and lets chuck out the old so someone can now have a personal private franchised earner.
There was nothing wrong with the old system in the first place and people felt involved.
Now its just another "thing"in the mail.
and when a candidate gets 666 votes then you have to wonder about the integrity of the system.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

more planes...

grabbed a whole set of WARPLANES from the family store in Upper Hutt Yesterday. They were on special (larfs) so I lugged them home. Heavy dude!

more war stuff...

now for something completely different...