Monday, March 13, 2017

goedels theorem and russells paradox and the U2 and the ruamahanga river...

Ruamahanga River

Ruamahanga River

The u2 could fly at 80,000 feet.
its speed was 600mph.
at that height its stalling speed was 590mph.
any abrupt movement of the controls would send it into a high speed stall and uncontrollable spin.
i.e. it was operating at the extreme limits of its performance.

in nature we now have a whole gang of hucksters, boosters, carpetbaggers who want to sacrifice everything for immediate profit NOW.
these people think they are smart because they have a new bachelor of civil engineering or the bank has told them its a go and that is all they care about.
They want to extract every last dollar from an already overloaded environment.

They need to be cut down to size and shipped out before they cause too much irrepairable damage to the ecology and the environment.

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