Saturday, June 10, 2017

Mental Health inNew Zealand part two...

See mental health professionals come out of univerisities in New Zealand and they think they know it all.
They read the chapter on abnormal psychology in their text book and they think they have it down.
all the text books I have read seem to offer students a 'choice' between Freud and his apostates and really show that the writers of these textbooks have not read them at all!
They want to be able to argue patients into health when by definition they are incapable of responding to logical or rational arguments.
They thinkmental health is a matter of logic and that they are the bearers of truth which should be obvious by their choice of fashion accoutrements and personalities.
yeah right.
They do not want to get their hands ( read minds) dirty.
Mental health professionals do not read the material that is capable of opening their own minds because then they have to deal with themselves.
2,000 years ago Plato said the unexamined life is not worth living but these people delude themselves that their degrees place them above such considerations.
Furthermore most of them got into because of some own personal need but when it comes down to the nitty gritty they run a mile and hide behind any manner of professional and occupational walls to protect their own integrity in case they open the doors to perception and find something they dont like.
They are all middle class and brought up to believe in themselves but in the final analysis they are just as skewed  as everyone else.

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