Tuesday, December 19, 2017

airy fairy bullshit time...

Carterton District council fails to do the right thing when it comes to dogs.
Its all about mine is bigger than yours.
The CDC  deserves great credit for the walking track and fitness trail in Carrington Park but throws in the towel when it comes to keeping the place safe for all users in the face of the fuckwits who want to parade their dogs as if they were a personal extension of themselves.
They too gutless to bark themselves.
As for councillor Vergunst saying it is up to parents to train children then that is the most stupid wishy washy  bullshit thing I have heard in a long time.
what she means is if she takes a stand then the dog people wont vote for her.
Is the park there for people or for the selfish clique who want to override all others so they can show off their mutts.
The town is full of backyards containing frightful beasts when they could be used for growing veges and there is always plenty of doghsit on the pavements.
I have seen people riding small motorbikes in the skate park among the skaters and nobody does anything so I guess its just self will run riot time in the park these days.
bite rip smash.
its all good fun hah ha hah.

The New Yorker, March 28, 2016
a friend drops off an armful of these  every now and again and by and large they make good reading except when the columnist runs off into a pile of drivel.
I should just let it go but it is symptomatic of the state of society when a professional goes beyond the boundaries of their training to opine on something they dont really know anything about.
I refer to the article on page 26 under the banner of ANNALS OF SCIENCE entitled RUNS IN THE FAMILY by one Siddhartha Mukherjee purporting to be new findings in the history of medicine concerning the genetic origin of shizophrenia.
This item is no more than a personal family memoire about a mad family.
Reciting  a list of symptoms is by no means an explanation of cause and relying on unproven snippets of science and trying to hang behaviour on a deficient gene with no proof is not science.
It is not good journalism either.
Mukherjee may be an excellent general practitioner but his understanding of mental dynamics in the mental apparatus and the connection to mental illness is woefully inadequate.
His column is just a plea for  perhaps forgiveness for something that is not his fault.
and doing dinner in a flash restaurant in Boston with a psychiatrist is not going to cut it. He needs to do some real study.

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