Saturday, May 12, 2018

Carpinteria, California...

Spotted an Item about this town in Saturday mornings dompost.
The sheriff of Carpinteria is pissed off with the skunk smell that has taken over in the town since pot was made legal and the growers moved in to take advantage of the large number of Glasshouses semi abandoned as the cut flower industry left the town after being undercut by growers elsewhere.
The profit on any entrprise trends towards zero over time and the cut flower industry is never comin gback.
My solution woul dbe to make the growers grow outside for a vastly superior product and a much sweeter natural smell.
Then the citizens of Carpinteria should sit down and nut out how to make use of the new industry.
cannabis is used as a fixative in scents and perfumes and there are many other plants that can be used in this industry.
Now show us some american enterprise and see what you can do.

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