Monday, February 18, 2019

composition of parliament...

another woke job!
(someone just explained WOKE to me).
one rob mitchell in the dompost this morning blathering on about the composition of parliament.
mitchell makes some sort of case for diversity.
the job of parliamentarians is to represent their constituents not pander to meaningless abstract notions .
mitchell would be better off telling people to join a party and have their voices heard instead of plumping for yet more dilution of the process.
anyone who has read the history of the roman republic knows that one point the factional fighting became so extreme that they decided to create four parties instead of two.
that idea did not last very long.
the world is psychoogically divided into givers and takers and trying to impose artificial solutions is just a waste of time and effort.
I suppose it fills the pages of the RAG and gives people something to talk about even if it is nonsense.

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