Sunday, October 30, 2022

the truth about Carter Court, Carterton, New Zealand. a strange and terrible saga...

 "We know everything there is to know and if we dont know it then it doesn't matter because if it did then we would know it"

It began when I first moved in and before Carter Court took ownership.

first there were drones hovering outside my door. then the mower contractor started coming in on Sunday mornings between 6:30 and 7am and leaving his mower with the engine running outside my window while he went off doing other things. I told the vicar who was  then on the carter society board. Rather than changing his hours he threw it all in.

Then the management at Carter Court hired allistair conwell who started doing the same thing so I went to my then landlords representative Brian McWilliams who went to Carter Court and obtained an agreement to not mow on weekends  before 10 am. The note from Carter Court said 9am?

Later Conwell asked me if I knew how to get rid of the broadleaf in the main lawn. I told him how we did it when I worked for Parliamentary Services. He objected to that saying it would cost him too much to run a mower mowing a fertilised lawn.

He actually brought in a contractor early one morning and sprayed the lawn which was  then polka dotted with black plantains which grew back in two weeks. Now he only runs the mower in a way that could be described as a light trim and the so called lawn is now mainly all weeds.

At the same time he was spraying the rose garden at the front of Carter Court till they all expired! The Carterton Rose society used to prune and feed this rose garden but somehow they got pushed away while this person with no training practiced his version of gardening.

He was doing the same thing to the box hedge along the  entranceway and I did mention it to the manager one day who just shrugged it off. Meanwhile the hedge was nearly dead and I kept on writing about it here till the mesage got through and he stopped doing it

When I told the previous manager at Carter Court that her so called gardener did not have any qualifications she flat out lied and said yes he did. Then appropos of nothing she said,"I can have you evicted you know"

It was he who initiated this pernicious spraying regime around the ground  of Porritt Place. There is now no refuge for bumblebees in the margins and all the footpaths are outlined with a big brown shit stain on the edges.

There is absolutely no need for this intense manicuring. It is all pure nonsense designed to make it look like they are doing something. It is makework to fill in HOURS and it takes three days of fiddling round the edges to do what took the previous landlord the Carterton District Council three hours. Now the edges are filled with weeds that were never there before.

In a past life I worked on the WCC as a journeyman labourer, at Parliament ditto and I was a leading hand on the VUW groundstaff and on all those jobs we never used any spray at all. all weeding was done with hand tools or HAND and we worked for our money and did not stand around posing for the oldfolks to go ooh and ahh. We were told what to do by overseers with credentials.

One day this man conwell came into Porritt Place and went round telling everyone except me that I had been trespassed off Carter Court?

As he was leaving he  advanced on me while I was holding a hose and he copped it.

The then manager (no 2) came over and banged on my door and I told him to take a hike. He called the cops. One stopped me on the way into town and proceeded to give me a lecture on behaviour. I stopped him and said "Let the magistrate sort this out". He said it was not going to go that far so I just walked off and left him standing there. There is another lie in his version of events annd in his report he opines that I have "MENTAL PROBLEMS". ?????


Furthermore the so called gardener took to spraying my beans (heritage) and tomatoes and I never had a single crop of either.

I also suspect that he sprayed my laundry with roundup/glyphosate. I detected a faint aroma several times but brushed it off. However shortly after  I had my first attack of psoriasis and It hasn't gone away. My doctor said it was not proven that glyphosate causes psoriasis but that stress will aggravate it.

Carter Court has employed both these people on the it's who you know principle nothwithstanding that they know anything. Ignorance is at a premium at Carter Court and these people come and go but their nastiness and cowardly tit for tat lives on forever. 

Carter Court has relinquished any claim to be "JUST LIKE HOME" when it allows its staff to bully, intimidate, assault and harass its residents just because they feel like it.

Someone should examine their certificate of incorporation to see wether the goals of the Carter Society are to reject people they feel that Carterton is too good for.

The place is rotten and the staff turnover at the management level is high so there is obviously problems there. 

I went to the community law centre to find out about these people from Carter Court and they produced this file from them. (Carter Court) about two inches thick which upon reading was a whole jumble of unsubtantiated, unchallenged charges and  assertions. 

When I asked the previous manager for copies of any thing they had about me she sent a few scraps of paper nothing like the   thick pile produced by the lawyers.

I made a bad mistake by not putting everything in writing. 

And when I did the reply was hand delivered by "THE GARDENER" who I watched take it into the flat next door where he and the neighbour steamed it open and delivered it in the night!

One so called complaint against me was I had been seen pissing outside. 

True but there was a leak in the toilet with water on the floor at all times and when I told the manager about it she ignored me. It wasn't till the annual inspection that they decided they had to do something about it which they never did until it burst one day.

They have still not replaced the rotten lino in the bathroom. And I attribute these cracks to the cellulitis that put me in hospital for a week.


did I tell you the one about the "GARDENER"  inviting me to the christmas party? I went out and came back in half an hour and there was a note on my door saying I wasn't "ALLOWED" to come???????? 

and how about this one. when the people from the CLC asked Carter Court for a copy of any correspondence they conveniently omitted the letter I sent asking for an apology for an attempted assault by the groundsperson and the threat of her boyfriend to come round and give me the bash!

and another: I dont drink and I dont do acid so it wasn't the DT's or hallucinations but my unit was overun by a plague of centipedes! your guess is as good as mine.

and how about bringing your sheets inside off the line and white tailed spiders fall out!!!!!!!!

and today 7/11/2022 the female gardener has spent all morning outside my unit on the other side of the hedge while people come and go and they talk about me. She was there all last week watering a new sown patch of lawn seed and looking through my window in the only gap in the hedge. That is harrassment.

Is this how Carter Court allow their staff to conduct their business by picking on individuals? 

like the time it walked up to me and started poking me in the chest and said,"wait till we take over then I will have power over you."


and the time he came up behind me in the Carterton Library and snatched the Dompost from under my elbow while I was copying something onto the computer!

and the time he actually ran at me in the street! he saw somebody watching and he veered off.

and what about this?

someone has obtained a key to my unit. How do I know? Well except for 1 all the probiotics were taken from the bottle and my spare packet of instant coffee was gone! and the door was closed giving entry into the kitchen and the front door was unlocked. Thats how I know.

Previously I did complain verbally to the then manager that someone had a key to my unit but she just laughed it off. It did stop but lately has started up again and this time things are going missing. batteries, coffee, tea, 

when this first started happening someone was  coming into my unit and moving things around to let me know they had been in here. I told the then manager and she just laughed it off. hahaha.


she is back again this morning standing there for half an hour looking through my window. If the seed has not germinated by now it never will and standing there day after day almost constitutes harassment.

and yet another example of the people next door.

I complained to Carter Court about my neighbour accosting my visitors.

I wrote a letter and put it in the post.

two days later I saw the "GARDENER" come along the path with an envelope in his hand and he went into the neighbours unit. 

The next day the managers reply to my letter was in my letterbox with the seal broken on the unstamped unposted envelope!

It is all coming back to me now.

The same guy who threw in the lawnmowing contract at Carter Court rather than alter his timetable of parking his mower outside my unit on sunday mornings with the engine running connived to engineer a fake heart attack at one of the other units and he parked his fire engine outside my unit with the engine running for four hours on a Sunday morning. I never saw any ambulance.

I complained to Fire Service head office in Wellington who sent me a letter of apology and a whole troop of senior Wairarapa firemen came to my door and apologised in person!

and yet another one.

this one is very peculiar.

Every Saturday morning for about three months whenever I left my unit to go to town I would get half way down Pembroke Street when the "gardener" would drive past me slowly on the other side of the road mouthing obscenities at me.

How he knew my movements is another question.  

When he worked out my movements he would go straight to the Library and grab the paper. Once when I was copying something out of the newspaper he sneaked up behind me and snatched it away!

another time I went in and left. I saw him putting the paper away and I went back but he had seen me and stopped putting it away and sat down again so I could not read it!

They had to rearrange the seating in the Library because he and a group were doing right wing racist rants and other people were concerned about what they were hearing.

nasty stuff. 

x one last thing even though there is always one more thing that can be said about anything.

a mr arcus. believed late. asked him not to spray plants so he ran over them with the mower.

should write a book

any ghost writers out there want a job?

meanwhile while all this bullshit is going on I learned how to play the electric guitar, see dave letterman at his best and dispense advice to sundry recipients. helluva year. got the mighty 20 nux wound up and it is fun and games. learned 1 only exercise from arlen roth dvd and it is ace.

happy new year


mirror mirror on the wall

who is the coolest of them all?


another ornament erected on saturday. the groundperson is now painting it. right in my field of view.

she woke me up this morning revving an elctric device and yabbering outside my window!

then the manager came over and gave me back the key to my unit.

if it had have been conwell there would have been screams that you could hea from hear.

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