Saturday, March 25, 2023

good news...

 The decision for the Carterton District Council to take back community housing in Carterton will be reconsidered in five years.

One person who was an empire builder and a councillor and everything else persuaded the CDC to relinquish control over Porritt Place and other council housing assets in Carterton to the care of The Carter Society who are in effect a band of amateurs and to be managed by Carter Court whose present manager was plucked from Toastmasters. Nobody in Carterton knows who they are or where they came from.

This person has no people skills and is reliant on the same old sneaks and snoops to feed her information. 

when I offered to sweep the path if they provided a broom the GARDENER delivered a whopping great concrete finishers broom left over from the additions to carter court. She stood behind the hedge and laughed!!!!

She walked into my place for the first inspection took one look at my degrees on the wall and said," its the intelligent ones you have to watch out for"!


This is my home and I am not an insect in an insectarium.

On the surface all is well but the groundstaff at Carter Court have the weird idea that somehow they need to be FRENZ with everybody and they too have been chosen because they KNEW somebody and any qualifications were not necessary.

When I told that particular  manager that the lawmower guy had no gardening qualifications she flat out lied and said he did!

I cannot say for sure if he did or not but he was a ladies hairdresser for  all his working life and where he found the time to obtain any horticultural quals baffles me.

After all anyone can walk round with a spray outfit spraying the hell out of everything and posing for the old people in the home looking out the windows. 

There used to be a rose garden at the entrance to Carter Court taken care of by the Carterton Rose Society who got elbowed out and left to the tender mercies of an idiot who sprayed them to death. He was the GARDENER and he did not want anyone with any real knowledge telling him what to do.

They cant even  mow the lawns properly.

They have sprayed the front lawn to death so many times that there is very little grass left and most of it is weeds and if the management of Carter Court knew what they were doing they would order a BAG OF diphasic super and some grass seed and put it back into order. I would be ashamed to call it a lawn.

They have let the hedge between Carter Court and Porritt place grow rank and are basically too lazy to trim it properly. Both of them are obese.

The word on the ground is contractors ARE COMING IN TO PULL THE WHOLE THING OUT.

My tenancy agreement guarantees me privacy and there will be none once the hedge is gone.

I repeat. This is my home not a motel for transients.

anyway they have five years left to do the right thing before this travesty comes up for public consultation again. 

The original brief for Carter Court was a home for indigent old men but over the years the bigheads have seen the possibilities for empire building and to hell with the people getting in the way of their dreams of even bigger authority. and QSOs and MBEs.

When the council takes over again and retrieves their property then proper maintenance and property managment will again be undertaken by a democratic institution without fear or favour and interference by people with their own personal agendas. 

and when the silk trees drop their leaves in autumn they will send a guy round with a broom to tidy up instead of loading the budget with yet another outside contractor and a large machine to do the job the people who dont believe in effort will not do and should be doing.

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