Saturday, May 13, 2023

sourpuss andrea vance needs a lesson in logic...

 she can't help herself

any excuse to dig at the government when it was the nationals party that neutered all the laws about responsibility by trotting out the neoliberal line of the civil society. wshy doesn't she lay the blame on those who created this mess.

she makes an egregious category mistake comparing dietary laws to obesity and human stupidity

no wonder the meedja is in such a situation where no one believes them anymore because they can't or aren't able to decide who needs the stick and it is better to whinge after the fact.

I may have read her final paragraph first but she should have put that at the start instead of leaving it till last leaving a bad taste in the mouth. why does it take a tragedy of this nature to say something about the gutting of new zealand society by ideologue by halfwitted zealots espousing nut bar policies with no basis except right wing free will ideas that will again be given oxygen should the act party and the nationals party get into office 

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