oh and buying cars and motorbikees and cutting the exhaust pipes off and making a big noise because thats all they can do.
either talk or make a noise.
they are equivalent to one another. if you talk then you are making a noise and if you are talking then you know everything because its only a matter of opinion and kiwis opinions of themselves is off the clock.
yea right.
we also a very dishonest country.
no one is straight forward or straight up.
listen to the talk shows on RNZ and its all about who is breaking the law.
Kiwis always use interrogatives. they catch it off low rent pommy soaps dont they.
its the mark of dishonest, disrespectful and ignorant people to use interrogatvies.
I hiope snata gives RNZ the gift of speaking for themselves instead of asking the whole world to agree with them.
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