Go the Hurricanes.
so Michael Laws has been put on ice for a spell. is that true. The people on the radio in this country need a good clean out. they been there too long and nothing has changed except their level of vitriol as they realised how strong their positions were.They don't realise that the country has grown tired of them.
Most of them just rude oafish stentors with orotund voices and small brains to match.
Ritchie Macaw. don't be too sure that the rest of the country listens when David Kirk speaks. Being good at rugby only means you are good at rugby.Hubris dear boy. He never puts himself in the position where he has to defend himself. Its not that easy.
I get tired too of ex all blacks who get on the radio and all they can talk about is free invitations to bun fests and free food.
Is this what it is all about?
Not like Barack Obama. a Sunday never goes by when the Sunday Star Times does not carry some item about how vulnerable the boss is and how his ratings have fallen.
Well the fact is they have a hair shirt. They go to sleep every night with a bee in their bonnets and then one day their anger gets so great they burst into metastasised melanoma. Its got to find an outlet somewhere.
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