Tuesday, December 13, 2011

christmas goodies for you!

here is stuff to scare the christmas stuffing out of ya.
good op ed page in the dompost today.
one item on Barack Obama.
He is probably the best president the United States has had since Dwight Eisenhower.
It might be necessary for the congress to pass an amendment to give him three terms if he wants them.
nothingis easy these days.
the more people the more money the more everything there is the harder it gets.
dont forget that.
and what you are doing is important and if you just put your head up and sniff the air you will know that the people like and trust you.
they know you cant od everything but that you are doing your best in very difficult circumstances.
the world is going mad and we need sane people in charge.
and hey Bo.
can you do something about the right wing nutters in  new zealand who are determined to wreck the school system to payoff their cronies.
new zealand has a unicameral government so after the election it is very hard to oppose the party in power and here in new zealand where the nutbars have the ascendancy they are going mad with an extreme corparitist attack on the basic institutions. in this instance education. they just dont care.new zealand is a funny little country at the arse end o f nowhere mainly populated by peasants who because they have a car and a speedboat and a hardly davison and they been to macchu piccu begin to think that somehow they are natural high born aristocrats with heightened mental powers to boot.
none of them know fuck all but because of their goods they think they know it all.
fair is foul and foul is fair.

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