Friday, November 30, 2012

indians with attitude

Just got smicced by an Indian doctor at the masterton hospital emergency ward.
he had a nice shirt.
I choked and somebody rang the ambulance and next minute I was whisked away.
It stressed me out to the max.
anyway the upshot was I had this interview with an Indian doctor who said his name in such  a way I couldn't catch it?
he asked how tall I was but before I could answer he said he was 5'8" so therefore I must be about 5'10". and the rest....
I guess he just wanted to cut me down to size.
then he said I was overweight and I hadt o lose 40kg!!!!!!!!!!
and then all my problems would just go away.
he said the best way was to fast for five days.
yeah right.and I should point out to him that all my medical problems arose in the 90's when due to another medical problem I was as thin as a rake subsisting on rice and boiled  potatoes because the then government in its wisdom decided that maybe it was better for people without health insurance to die rather than use up resources.
then he asked what I choked on and I said a tiny morsel of steak he said not to eat any more steak,.
being a hindoo. he would say that.
wouldn't he?
as I was getting ready to collect myself and leave they were all laughing at me behind the curtain.
nice people.
oh and he asked me what I did for a living.
whats it to him?
he wasn't listening when I was telling him about my problem.
perhaps the medical superintendent at Masterton Hospital should also take his staff to task about whether they look up patients on facebook before they treat them too.

michael Jackson, Michael Bloomfield and Jimmy Cliff

The thing is I missed out on all the MJ hoop;a.
 I was busy cutting down trees and skinning possums and the whole oeuvre passed me by.
Funny how things like that can happen.
I knew that he had talent and I always like his music when I catch it but I become very sad now when I think about his life.
There was no one around to point him in the right direction and the money rolling in insulated him from any and all discipline and ultimately he paid the price.
All those dickylickers and yes men but they couldn't keep him alive.
Michael Bloomfiled is always my favourite guitarist.
He had his niche and that was that.
Take the time out to check out his complete discography and you will find that he played on over 300 other persons albums.
Peter Paul and Mary and Brewer and Shipley.
haw haw haw.
John Hammond kept him busy.
He was the "HIRED GUN".
so much for the swingeing Rock Criticcs who say he faded and blah blah blah.
MIke could do anything if he wanted to but he did his own thing.
and that is the hardest thing to do.
Jimmy Cliff is about to come here, New Zealand, and I hope he has a great tour.
You can get it if you really want it.

Nude jogging.
any act of exhibitionism is accompanied by a wish for reciprocation!
Andrew Hore.
Let it all hang out!
fish and chips.
DAvid Cameron
dont let the pantywiasts curtail the freedom of the press.

Bryce Courtenay.
got $1,000,000 before his book was even published.
Had a few trying to get me to write "the book" so lets see the advance!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

memo to david cameron

good stand on the levenson enquiry.
to many people wanting to make rules for everything and everybody.
their efforts usually have unintended consequences and not for the better.
make the papers pay more for their indiscretions but never shackle them to the order of pantywaists and knowalls.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

john mayall for beginners...

way way back in the 1960's.

buy this one. last time iIlooked about US $150 but worth every penny if you can find it.
BB King at his most fluid, expansive and exciting with ahorn section that still sets the standard for blues riffing and off the wall solos!

send out for some pillars and cecil b. de mille....

agnes  de mille

its my home sweet home up on mockingbird hill.

Yeeha its George!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

dance to the music...

everybody is a star!

read today that Sly is homeless but happy.
too much man.
He sold all his rights to Michael Jackson.
Michael is no longer with us but Sly is.
fate is fickle!
you made a lot of people happy back in the day and your music still rocks.
Had a good day today.
Masterton was sort of nobody around.
the Strawberry Lady was in town with the tastiest strawberry's you will find anywhere in New Zealand!
juicy and sweet.
 I got a copy of Otis sings soul for $2.97 from the redshed.
rocking on the cdplayer right now!
tthe redshed has mucho lots of  good cd's and dvds for xmas on show.
grab em while they are hot.

anyway at the Carterton family shop I found Olivia Newton Johns first album and a 5 record set of the Mowton Story.
ONJ has a great set of sweet pipes and the arrangements are super cool.
Her rythym guitar player has the sharpest chops.
very lucky.
The Book of the Dance by Agnes De Mille.
Ballet aint reallly my bag but I know somebody who will really like it.
even though it was published in 1963.
plus Barbarians at the gate in the cheapo novels section.
anyone interested in overcompensated CEO's should read it to see how it came about and how the whole industrial landscape in the USA was changed by  LBO's in the 80's and the damage it did.
Sure new firms and products arose as they always will but at what cost?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mick Keef Charlie and Ronnie...

saw yez on the telly tonight.
fantastic dudes!

dave letterman, taylor swift, margaret mead, kathryn ryan and derek freeman

looking out my window and a blackbird landed.
fluffed its wings in the dust and is now sunning itself in the late afternoon with its wings outstretched.nice.
Hi Dave.
dont know if you know but here in NZ they have ah err um 're-runs' in the afternoons on Prime TV.
dont know what the ratings are but I think they might be tops.
cool dude.
this afternoon it was rachel maddow and taylor swift.
both tremendous.
maddow is smart and swift can sing.
I had previously written her off as just another wining gamine thrown up by the music biz but she is the real deal and I got off.
plus she had to neato back up singers who exuded sex appeal and everyfing.
real women!
yes indeedy.
Taylor Swift knows how to shake that thing.
real power in her voice with no tricks and the vocal crack in just the right place.
too much.
during the breaks I was thumbing through my penguin dictionary of sociology and happened to chance upon the entry for margaret mead.
to my disgust the editors, nicholas abercrombie, stephen hill, and bryan s. turner included derek freemans attack on Mead.
you guys should check on freeman.
he never got a degree at Victoria University and he just hung around the student newspaper office where his major contribution was a poen entitled 'paranoia'.
lucky for him the war intervened and after he was "awarded" a degree from an English university afterwards.
he seems to have had a thing about sex because he was aspprehended in a museum in Hawaii sawing the penis off an idol.
yet the editors of the penguin dicitionary of sociology think he has enough stature to contradict mead.
where do you guys get off?

smash hits and a new hat.....

Anna Freud

Margaret Mead

Hortense Powdermaker

Hortense Powdermaker

Margaret Mead

On Freuds one and only trip to the US he infuriated Karl JUng by saying appropos of nothing that, "life is like a new hat".
When JUng asked what he meant Freud said to him, "work it out for yourself".
anyway its great to see 9-noon putting a bit more emphasis on the causes and determinants of human behaviour rather than the endless parade of the same old outcomes.
What is it they say in alchoholic recovery?
do the same thing and you get the same results.
About time some more emphasis was placed on the women who really wen to work on the human condition but have been sideleined now because modernistes cant be bothered doing the reading.
they want to either make it up, show and tell or pretend they have a choice as to what to beleive.
well the latest research shows that humans are getting sillier by the day.
too many frigging choices.
either pay up or I'm gonna kill ya.
its your choice.

Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock....

New ZEaland Film Archive showing Hendrix at Woodstock this week. (6$)
If I  wuz in Wellington I would go myself.
Still I can get out my Hendrix cd's and give thema whirl.
Cause I'm a voodoo child!
On the way downtown I couldn't stop humming on the wings of a nightingale so here it is by Don And Phil.
Researchers in Germany have found that urban grashoppers have raised their tune by from 1-4 kilohertz to compete with urban noise poluution!
I live in a silver mine and I call it beggars tomb.
I play on the violin and I beg you call the tune.

now for something completely different...