Tuesday, November 6, 2012

its the same the whole world over

Hey man they all having fun.
its like the hippeis back in 65.
groovin man.
its the summer of power!
Next up China.
Barack Obama has convincingly won the election there and hang on to your seats folks.
we in for the big ride.
anyway china.
listened toa weird bbc doco on the radio last night that was a recitation of ancient dynasty's by a fruity voiced bbc job interspersed with a real native sagely intoning airy fairy confucianism chucked in.
yeah right.
thats not how it works and neato piccie of Chinas heir apparent with a big cheezy grin.
he's having fun toooo.
Bo took the brass ring.
He's in charge.
American history may be short but its the best.
top marks Hamilton city.
Douglas G Browne notes in his book on Scotland Yard that 6there were 14,000 noise complaints in London  in 1908 and they were enforced.
Yeaaay the rozzers.
get the little pricks and tan their f*cking asses.
or as the yanks say hand it too them on a plate!
Kieran Mcanulty.
chair of the local wairarapa labour party.
wants a republic.
I vote for you because you represent the party.
however on this issue you are a fool.
people who want to get rid of the monarchy usually come in three main types.
those who think communism is scientifically inevirtable.
those who want to define society by rules. lenininists
and those who are jealous.
anybody who wants to ditch the unwritten constitution should at least have a working knowledge of English history and the wonderful gift it has bestowed on us.
Bob Francis.on it dude.
 so who gets the seat?


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