So we stayed inside for an hour or two!
Banal poltroons;
Radio New Zealand again:
Kathryn Ryan always trying to adopt vocal affectations. e.g. sydrum when talking to a doctor, yeah.
nah kathryn.
and havinga whole gaggle of drongos arguing about whether a 3d printer can print gold is not a debate.
Its just a whole lot of idiots yabbering.
thats the kiwi way mate.
yabber yabber yabber.
and another score for the banal poltroons in this case the New Zealand Customs Service/department/sitcom/episode claiming that 3d printers can print gold in the first place.
yeah right.
Its no wonder the head of the public service has to publicy procaloim the neutrality of the Public Service.
this should be axiomatic and not some new novelty that has just arisen.
Thats another score for the banal poltroons running the show.
British Blues Boom.
They really did it properly.
First skiffle and then folk and then Blues.
Those guys were competitive and able.
Jeff Beck.
Eric Clapton.
Jimmy Page.
They took it to a whole new level and made something new and vibrant and they learnt how to play their instruments without pro tools and vocoders.
thats the way the world is now.
everyone looking for an easy way.
TRANZIT Masterton.time to put decent horns into your buses.
This little turd deliberately walked out in front of a bus this afternoon.
I asked the driver why he didn't use the horn and he said was ineffective.
If the driver had hit this noo noo head then a mob would have gathered and another made for TV drama produced.
Is this what modern civilisation has come to?
and another one for Masterton.
It seems as if a whole new generation of little turds has arisen who think it is cool to go down to the park lake at lunch times with un muffled cars and pollute the park with their decibels.
What has happened to public order and decency/
Why do these little shits get away with it?
where are the town fathers who are supposed to look after the interests of the citizens.
Its all just post modern pandering and running away from anything difficult.
Nyway the local poltroons think I hate machinery.
Actually I am neutral.
I dont give a shit.
If they think they are free just because they jump into their plastic replica hotrods and drive from A to A on a sunday afternoon then thats their business.
What I give a shit about is nitwits making a big noise just because they have a small penis and want everyone else to look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I hope the new Police Commissioner takes the bull by the horns and gets his legal team on to the laws about public nuisances and noise and gives them hell.