Wednesday, August 27, 2014

a small town in new zealand...

If you are not a Bill Monroe completist but still love his music then you have to have the "Anthology".
It is a special album with all the best ones on it and no fat.
It went all last night on the media player and will get another go when I get home.

A Small Town In New Zealand sounds like a John LeCarre novel but no its life in kiwi as we know it.
Who watched Mummys Little Murderer on teavee last night.
Well Ramon at the music shop in Masterton is mummys little creep.
His mommy is a bigwig over at the government buildings and he takes special care to grease up the Mr Plods who play music and go into his shop for their requirements.
I guess he feels like he is some sort of uh uh uh demi-god at least and that he has the world on a string and he can collude and subborn even the forces of Law and Order if things dont go his way.
See all these arrivistas in Masterton and some of the fogeys think they can dispense their own sort of just-is if you dont kiss their arses.
Well if I am set up with the police in close attendance one more time then I will have to pull a few strings of my own.
See the first time I went into Raymons shop he pointed to this guy and said, "thats Hellvis" at which point helvis pulled up his sleeve and showed off his tuff stickas.
No howdoyados!
and Pat Mckenna. The first thing he said after I hadnt seen him for twenty years was, "Cookie was afraid of me"?
what the fuck is all that about.
Oh thats right.
line up and take your turn and we'll see if we can find a slot for your somehwere if you kiss my arse hard enough.
well the thing is you creeps have nothing I want or need and you are not tuff but allmouth.
You think you can co-opt the law in your machinations.
have another think.

and Nelson Rangi.
I am still smarter than all the encrusted fogeys hanging around that think they know eveything.
I was smarter than them then and I'm smarter than them now.

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