Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Carter Court. the real deal on next door...

Next door is the old folks home.
I'm not far off it myself.
The place is run under a trust bequeathed by Charles Rooking Carter the father of Carterton.
All in all its a nice outfit but it has structural problems that need addressing immediately.
I am not a trained gardener.
I learned some stuff from my pa who was involved in the co-operative movement in the 40's and 50's and he grew all our own veggies on our state advances 1/4 acre.
He knew how to compost properly and when to put the juice in.
Later on I worked for the two biggest landholders in Wellington NZ and the most prestigious one as a journeyman gardener leading hand.
No formal schooling but overseen by OVERSEERS who had been trained by people who knew what they were doing.
and they told you when you weren't doing it right.
no nudge nudge wink wink stuff a lil dab'll do ya nonsense.
It was do it right from the get go.
I am not a someone who reached retirement age and then called myself a gardener and set sail upon a new career armed only with my own say so.
The so called gardener next door at Carter Court was a ladies hairdresser and now he is a gardener because he says he is.
hooow do ya do?
Not in my book.
I really dont give a stuff what he does as that is up to him and the management next door but when I am having a cup of tea on my front porch and he comes along with his spraypack and inists on spraying when I am eating and drinking then he can fuck off.
And not only that but he is slowly poisoning all the trees and he has just about done for the box hedge along the drive.
Every fine day he turns up and sprays the little weeds along the edge and now the hedge is dying.
If the management of Carter Court cant see this for themselves then they are just as silly as he is.
The first thing he should do when he gets to work is do a tour and pick up the rubbish.
some of which has been laying a round for months.
And He should learn how to use a broom.
He has a three years old ride on lawnmower that doesn't have a scratch on it!!!!!
They dont like me much because I put comments in the visitors book about opening some windows and they have too much staff but hey they know everything.
They need money and they could save $100 grand by trimming the fat in the front office tomorrow.
They wont listen to me because then they might have to listen to more.
I have had training and at a far higher level than they could even imagine.
They think I am a simpleton and they know everything because they pull their socks and underpants up and use too much soap but they are buffoons.
They keep trying to play the rustic savant card but sorry they  are just fools fullstop!
The gardener thinks I am going to take a swing at him but he is full of shit and the place stinks bad enough already.
furthermore if he insists on spraying over my food he is going to get the same treatment he got last time.
If he doesn't like that then he can call the cops.
Lets see how far he gets when he has to explain himself to the judiciary.
Especially when I tell them that he used to sneak through the hedge and poison my veggie plants.
And he is a sneak.
When he first got the job he asked me how to get rid of the broadleaf  (plantain) in the lawn and I told him how to do it.
That didn't suit him so he got some very sheepish  contractor in early in the morning and sprayed the whole lawn with 245t which certainly killed all the broad leaf but it was back again in less than a month!
there is a solution but it takes time and care which is something that this person lacks.
and last but not least it is no good complaining to my landlord because their obligation is to me and not to the feelings of some incompetent no matter how many local old ladies heaDS HE HAS FIDDLED WITH.
Get that right.

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