Tuesday, December 8, 2015

baroness butler sloss

Butler Sloss should stop pandering to minorities and enjoin them to understand what British history is and what it means to the rest of the world instead of allowing them to fill up with resentment like little children because they cant get their own way which is essentially to destroy democracy and create a despotism that is not cognisant of the rule of law.

Butler sloos is the female equivalent of the chinless wonder.
shallow, narrow and venal.
“For the normative self-understanding of modernity, Christianity has functioned as more than just a precursor or catalyst. Universalistic egalitarianism, from which sprang the ideals of freedom and a collective life in solidarity, the autonomous conduct of life and emancipation, the individual morality of conscience, human rights and democracy, is the direct legacy of the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love. This legacy, substantially unchanged, has been the object of a continual critical reappropriation and reinterpretation. Up to this very day there is no alternative to it. And in light of the current challenges of a post-national constellation, we must draw sustenance now, as in the past, from this substance. Everything else is idle postmodern talk.”
Jürgen Habermas

Butler sloss is pandering to a section of the community that want everything and dont want to give anything.

England is not a desert ruled by strongmen but a green and pleasant land watered with the love of Jesus and the rights of man.

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