Wednesday, May 11, 2016

bless 'em alll...

Big news all round.
Prime Minister of New Zealand ejected from house of parliament.
He is a ring in and does not understand how democracy works.
His time is nearly up and he is just being ridiculous.
He also does not seem to understand that people in the world want to know that New Zelanders are fair and tolerant people and not conniving slimey do gooder jobs who cannot tolerate any criticism whatsoever.
anyone who thinks the world revolves around what they say is totally selfcentred and dont really amount to much in the long run.

and his pal Cameroon Slatter has admitted to procuring someone to do an illegal act; namely hacking the Standard website for backers donors etc.
Slatter took the fifth and slimed out of any repercussions.
He has admitted to being a crook and a sneak.

MInd you his target was the supposed left wing blog The Standard.
They are not really left wing.
They are just people who have never worked in their lives who think they represent the working classes and when the REVOLUTION comes then they will be part of the ruling cadre.
Their editor is not much more than a parsimonious pettifogging puisllanimous schoolteacher.
When I pulled him up on a fact of soviet history he really spat the dummy.
Nah theyjust wimps.
They wont stand up for anything.
They prattle on in obscure opaque verbiage and never say anything.
Its just beltway blah and they think they are participants because they KNOW their MP  when they are just vultures waiting for a carcass to appear.
They think they are playing parliamanetary politics with their abstract meaningless analysis when they should be attacking the opposition .

sooner or later they will all get their just deserts.

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