Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What the f*ck is going on...

I bought my laptop on the assumption that it would go and if it didint' then I could get it fixed.
So to the week my hire purchase ran out my windows media player stopped going.
It comes up with a sign saying Windows will see what the problem is aznd get back to me.
well they haven't and my media player still does not go properly.
I am nota computer tech and I dont want to spend hours farting round.
why cant I get a straight answer from microsoft?

adding insult to injury someone is trying to hack my e-mail address and I cant access that either.

I think someone is trying to play funny games.
It must be the hooton hyde wailboil nexus again.
they just cant leave it alone.

they still trying to fuck the education system and impose road tolls without h=naming them diredt.
  this government is getting shiftier and shifteir by the day,

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