Thursday, February 23, 2017

gotta run...

 and New Zealand having a furious debate about the quality of water in the country.
Large exports of th ebest stuff but the natives have to swim in the crap.
gospel sound)
River of shit,
River of shit,
Flow on, flow on, river of shit,
Right from my toes,
On up to my nose,
Flow on, flow on, river of shit.

(transition to Rock)
I've been swimming In this river of shit,
More than 20 years, and I'm getting tired of it,
Don't like swimming, hope it'll soon run dry,
Got to go on swimming, cause I don't want to die.

(spoken with gospel sound in background):
Who dealt this mess, anyway?
Yea, it's an old card player's term,
but sometimes you can use the old switcheroo and it can be applied to ...
Frontal politics
What I mean is ...
Who was it that set up a system,
supposedly democratic system,
Where you end up always voting for the lesser of two evils?
I mean, Was George Washington the lesser of two evils?
Sometimes I wonder ...
You got some guy that says
"For God sake, we've got to stop having violence in this country."
While he's spending 16,000 dollars a second snuffing gooks.

(gospel sound musical ending with:
A wiiiiiiiiiiiiide, big brown river, yea, bringing health, wealth, and prosperity to every man, women, and child.

and Elvis did not die of a heart attack but from a ruptured bowel from constipation caused by too much codeine.
truth and reality huh.
he would have been better off using you know what.

Cartledge caught on the horns of a dilemma.
how to get ancient male greeks dunned for mysogyny but were homosexuals to boot.
that does not fit the gender debate of modern times.
either or but not both

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