Wednesday, April 26, 2017

off to town today...

went yesterday but I have to go to town again today.
The water races are full, the fields are verdant and there is a bit of water in the Waignawa River.
It all looks good.
Big page in the sausage wrapper about the local body amalgamation. no talk about about what will happen after.
How many services would be contracted out and how much institutional memory would be lost.
The water races are the life blood of agriculture on the Taratahi Plain and t hand them over to a gang of gung ho  contractors who got the contract because they "KNEW" someone would be suicide.
Same rag has two articles on bullying and  juvenile dysfunction.
When I was kid a troupe of professional wrestlers would come to Masterton maybe once every couple of years and fill the stadium.
Now the telly is daily filled with beefcake and morons bashing each other up as if it is the norm.
No mention of the parents and the same tired old faces getting their piccie in the paper but no mention of what is to be done.
No mention of qualifications and abilities of the hair and teeth brigade.
What does qualify them to make pronouncements on the structure and function of families?
Are they trained in anything except self promotion?
If a seven year old is obtaining cannabis then where are the parents?
Dont offend THEM.
They wont vote for you then.
And then a little note about training up children to eventually become policemen and servicemen.
This is totally wrong.
If a society cannot draw its requirements from the general population then it is in serious trouble.
New Zealand has become a haven of can do nitwits who really cant do anything.
They know all the words and they know all the notes but they dont know the song!
When these vital functions become a privilege and the members a caste then it is fair to say the society is in decline.

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