Thursday, April 6, 2017

Texas Cannonball...

very disappointing 3star review in the latest MOJO magazine.
Freddy King had several chapters to his career but the English Rock Press have taken delight in rubbishing everything he did after the KING Records sides.
They were choice examples of the 2 verse, one instrumental, 3rd verse commercial blues for jukeboxes in the 1950's.
Absolutely superb in fact and still worthy of serious study for the soloist who wants to take their game to the highest level.
However GB in MOjo seems to think that Texas Cannonball is not up to the same standard when it is a different kettle of fish entirely with massive guitar from Freddie and too much ensemble playing.
The fact is this album is a tour de force and a masterpiece and no amount of wanking on will alter that.
Grow some ears dude!

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