Friday, September 6, 2019

It's your choice...

This blog goes global and there are some things and matters that many new zealanders wish were lept to ourselves.
The big front page headline on The Dompost was about the amount of garbage littering New Zealand.
Now in the 90's New Zealand was lumbered with a Nationals party government firmly weeded to the right wing ideology of friedman and reagan and all the rest of the trickle down voodoo wingnuts.
Their slogan was "it is your choice" which kiwis as early adopters without investigation took to heart instantaneously.
Now 30 years later it is still the CHOICE  of the wingnuts who think that mouthing the words of the slogan gives them magical powers to do what they frigging well like which translates as dumping their shit anywhere and everywhere because it is their choice and besides as rugged indeevidyoualls they have better things to do than tidy up  after themselves.

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