Friday, October 8, 2021

does new zealand still own TVNZ?...

New Zealanders need to know that the country still owns its own televsion network.

Has it been sold off in a surreptitious under the table deal to foregin ownership or a management buyout deal with the cash coming from overseas?

If the answer to both those questions is no then who gives Simon Dallow the greenlight to get up on his bully pulpit night after night and dun the government  over every detail in its handling of the covid 19 pandemic.

It is becomong embarrassing as this man who supported the last government whose prime minister deserted the sinking ship before he could get voted out is allowed free reign to bludgeon the government night after night in the most trying circumstances.

In world war two the british government enforced strict rules of conduct in the national emergency and everybody pulled tgogether knowing it wasn't going to be an easy ride and all over in a week.

Simon Dallow and his crew are subverting the government at every turn and acting as if the pandemic should all be over by monday and if it isn't then they will throw another parcel of ordure at the GUBMINT.

His actions are just this side of treason and vitiating the public consciousness as he promulgates the nefarious principles of choices and personal decision  in a desperate situation.

It is time for him to go and somebody should make that decsion soon in the interests of social cohesion and willingness to see this thing through together without partisan backbiting and the sneering snide commentary that he specialises in.

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