Saturday, June 3, 2023

ali and lyle...

"Ali is a good dude, man, and a hell of a fighter. See, people gotta understand, Ali was special. He laid it on the line brother and he stood up for what he believed in. you don't see too many athletes doing that because it's a certain risk you take when you do what Ali did and I don't think people truly understood that. It was a blessing because all of the guys that fought in the Ali era were great athletes. I was a great athlete in several sports. Ali, Foreman, we were all great athletes that could have flourished in another sport, but through the grace of God, man, he brought us together in boxing and we made some of the greatest fights in the history of the sport. Ali just transcended the sport and I don't ever think we could repay him for that. He risked it all my man and that's nothing but love and respect there, you feel me? And Joe Frazier was right behind him.”

Big Ron Lyle  

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