Tuesday, June 13, 2023

once upon a time...

saurday morning bob dylans noble prize speech was on facebook and I was wrapt. never would have sought it out but hey presto and up it came.

I was riveted by his prose. especially taken by the fact that after he read all quiet on th western front he never read another war book!

oops but hey the gremlins must be on my side today
anyway when I got down to the library  a reservation I had placed months ago was there.

The poems of Arthur Rimbaud.

Brilliant. It was like reading stuff by bob that had never been published before but that was just an illusion.

Rimbaud finished off poetry and apart from ginsberg and the other beat poets to all intents and purposes it was over except for Bob and his brilliance ending on Blonde On Blonde.

dylan said later he could no longer write like that anymore and it seems to be no coincidence that Rimbaud give it all away after five years and split for the Horn Of Africa where he passed at 35

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