Sunday, June 4, 2023

que son valley contractors...


He came home that May
didn't have much to say
Had his brother buy his beer
he couldn't buy his own for another two years
bought a car smashed it up
fell into a well worn rut
got a job , then another
never went to church disappointed his sweet mother
now looking back he shakes his head
knowing all the things he did
but of all the things he could have done
all the wars he might have won
he's still here keeping track
of all who never got the chance .

there were things seen here that none should ever need see.Demons were spawned here.Silent movies that played
on a screen that never closed .Things that haunt dreams ,
crippled lives .Bad things happened here .
Gruesome things .
There were things heard here that none should ever need
hear .Things none had ever heard before , Things heard
still . Awake and walking . Asleep and talking .
Bad things . Terrible things . Gruesome things.
Vile things . Heroic things .Unforgettable things .
Things felt here that would never be felt again .
Things felt that never should be .
Things felt that can't .. but were .
Love . Hate . Fear . Rage .
Hope the least of all.
Missing things .Broken things . Unforgotten things .
In the end we were left with memories, words,
bits and pieces ,sounds and visions .
Memories that come to us unwanted , unbidden ,
yet come to us still .No accounting , no wage that
wants paying that we would not gladly pay, have paid ,
pay still . Visions that we would surely , as surely
as sin , be rid of .
Memories of that far off Valley
in that far off time .

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