It was dangerous hanging out with lyman or manson.
most times you were lucky to escape with your life.
Whatever their bag really was it also came with a
strong dose of authoritarianism and summary punishment
just because "THEY" didnt like it.
HMMMMMMMM. where have I heard that before.
So the moral of the story is there is no free speech. Of course you can say what you like but any kneejerk who takes exception to that can track you down and let their self will run riot. In the end the study of history becomes the study of stupid people with overweening senses of self importance and even worse if they have the resources then they can make life very difficult for somebody at very little risk to themselves.now thats out of the way it is time to ask why the local creeps are on my case. Now this is only supposition but the local mr be scared of me because I know some bad people hates my guts and I think he also does little repo/standover jobs for that party or those closely allied. I got followed around again today when I went to town. Well they either have to knock you down in the street with no forewarning but they cant follow you because that is stalking and the other is assault. They try and they try but before I did this I worked a lot of hard dangerous jobs and I know what it is like to get smacked... and get back up and those creeps are not going to put the arm on me. all you beatniks out there dig? And I know some people too. dig?
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