Monday, July 16, 2012

top ten rolling stones photos

Where is Keef?

Allan Kalter
Hi Big Red.
the weather down here in the southern hemisphere is pretty good dude.
Lots of rain and everything is growing flat out.
Bob Brockie. Almost a climate change denier but he qualifies it by supporting science and never quite steeping over the boundaries.
But peak oil may well be a long way off but what is the cost of extracting it and more to the point what will be the extent of environmental degradation  is as much energy is needed to extract oil from sahle as is returned?
Found a copy of Morrison Hotel this am.
pretty much rooted but I hope roadhouse blues is ok so I can have some sort of go at learning it but I must say as I age that I dont really care as much about motel sex and drinking beer. hahahahahahahahahaha.

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