Wednesday, January 2, 2013

over the counter-culture...

kilroy was here!
The consensus is that the world has been advertising agencied into believing that everybody is a star.
only stars.
Memo to Holland.
Watch out for the plastic people of the universe who want to deny the whole history of the Netherlands and are now trying to shoehorn everyone in Holland into a neat MacHolland shoebox and remove any last vestige of individuality and independence so that everyone looks like a plastic f*c*book fake.
Memo to the Pope.
the people at large in the world today are adventitious to capitalism.
they didnt create it.
Memo to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Read Jurgen Habermass!
without christianity we would all be subject to oriental despotism and rule of the whim.
Do some study for Christs sake instead of relying on tired old outworn eighteenth century versions of Chrisitianity.
Without Christianity we are doomed but the plastic people of the universe want to turn it into a self serving commercial apparatus.
Hey look what God gave meeeeeeee!
yeah right.
memo to Peter Jackson
complexity for its own sake leads to redundancy and implosive collapse.
time for you to make some movies with real stories and real people.

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