Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Prime Flicks...

Last night was the 'The last Starfighter'.
thank you Prime TV
ultra cool movie.
tons of dramtic power and seat of the pants tension and resolution.
the blurbs kept saying that somehow it was a bit old fashioned but I dont wear that.
any kid would be entranced with the story and the action and the all round goodness and subtext that even if you come from a trailer park you can still reach for the stars.
yes indeedy
Hansel and Gretel: Witchfinders.
Saw Jeremy Renner on 'The Late Show' yesterday being interviewed BY Dave. (my hero).
Renner opined that Hnasel and Gretel was too scary for kids.
Well it was read to me when I was kid and I handled it and most kids do too unless they are already neurotic from the antics and muisguided notions of overprotective  parents.
As Bruno Bettelheim explains in his book "The Uses of Enchantment" it is the function of fairy stories to prepare kids for the real world by giving them fantasy examples and allowing their beginning psyches to process and overcome the psychogical snares and pitfalls in their minds before they arise in reality.
If they cant do this then they have been overprotected and denied the tools they need to function properly as adults..
It has become fashionable to dump on Bettelheim because of his speculations on autism but just because he got that wrong doesn not mean that he got it all wrong and in fact he got most of the rest of it right and if parents want mentally strong children who will grow into capable adults then they should follow his prescriptions.
And Renner should do some more research instead of making facile opinions that do nobody any good and making silly movies about nothing much just to appeal to the jaded tastes of teenagers overwhelemed by vampires and other pointless nonsense.

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