Monday, January 21, 2013

Greytown a go go...

two minute silence this morning featured an article on one of Greytowns iconic Oak trees which is for the chop.
they cant be all that iconic if any ratepayer can complain and the council bends over for an automatic removal.
Well ok and all that but how about planting some more.
How long is it since the South Wairarapa Council budgeted for planting an Oak tree?
or an elm or a yew or a pecan or a hickory
now is your chance to make a difference!
old sourpuss himself has begun a campaign to rid New Zealand of excess cats.
the bloody things are everywhere complete with phalanx's of women anxious to protect their pussies but to hell with anything else.

and the jellymeat industry.
what to do with knackered hacks?
thats their problem.
Time the vested interests were made to take responsibility for their actions.
There is always a cost to anything created by man and usually it comes in one size.
In the meantime it is about time there was open season on  felix felix which shares the depredations on other wildlife along with   stoats and weasels.

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