Wednesday, June 19, 2013

the altar song: r.i.p. Slim Whitman...

Goodbye Slim Whitman. Took me a while but when I finally heard your voice I loved it.
Kiwis like Slim too because he did a really nifty version of Now Is The Hour.
Farewell old friend.
Got out the old Jackson last night. I cant really play at the moment. I just hold it.
Right on the end of the headstock is a sticker of the Hat in the Ring emblem I got from a packet of kids stickers.
I couldn't really make it hum when I got it but I was a tryer!
now I can but now I cant?
ya get that!
Big ups for Rosemary Mcleod in todays Dompost.
Tell It like it is Rosemary.
Unreconstructed chauvinists are the worst.
Champions Trophy.
Funny how they all say 50 over cricket is over but tell that to the players.
they all seemed pretty serious to me.
Dont worry about the a.d.d. jobs.
give em some gum and send them on their way.
It blew and it rained last night but no snow.
I thought the whole place was about to go into lockdown.
The media have begun to treat everyday life as some sort of gigantic obstacle race against overwhelming odds when its just a few spits.
Still I suppose it keeps them busy and away from doing something useful.
Glad to see that whats her name from tv1 Jessica Much has goten rid of the diamond choker. who gave her that. Hope it wasn't peter dunne.
tee hee.
I see soccer is now only availlable on line.
what about the promise of ultimate media accessibility.
It all  gets further and further away the more the tech gets easier.
John Kirwan our most trusted person.
I dont know why.
He was only good on the filed when he got his dander up and then there was no stopping him.
Sorry John but I dont beleive you know anything about depression at all.
I have listened to your pronuncimentos and it all comes out liek the typical kiwi bullshit.
i.e. if you talk about it long enough then people will think you actually know what you are talking about.
If the medical profession was up to speed then this country wouldn't need footballers opining like experts on something they know nothing about.
Just because you have a heart doesn't make you a heart surgeon and just because you are depressed doesn't make you a psychiatrist.
It is really painfull depressing the way the medical profession has let the specialties go and fall into the hands of wannabees.

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