John Lancashire from the Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences says that New Zealand has gone soft.
Soft in the head more like it.
Nobody can do anything properly.
Everything is about so called efficiency and/or momey.
the country is in the grip of hucksters, bosters and grifters who dont cre about anything except exercsing their will.
They are aided and abetted by the media.
Take Simon Dallow and JIm Hickey.
A pair of liteweights by any stretch of the imagiantion, aren't they, and they are both incessant users of interrogatives aren't they.
Because they are on Teevee then they think that they can ignore the laws of logic and moreover that their words are like edicts from on high and that that everyone esle should agree with them.
Dont they.
the restof the country is like that too aren't they.
Everyone is is walking around brainwashed with some fantasied notion of themselves on Teevee telling everyone else what to do.
Everyone is busy telling everybody else what to do because they cant do anything themselvesa and if that doesnt work then go and whinge to the media.
They are sure to get it wrong.
Take Margaret mEAD.
A truly great anthropologist sunk by the idiot Derek Freeman who never got a proper degree, never did any field work, was caught in the act in a museum sawing the penises off wooden idols but yet was given the right to completely fuck up the study of anthropology in this country in favour of the obscurantist claude levi-strauss and other post modern nitwits.
a bloody tragedy but they swallowed it whole.
And the cowardly litle weasel Karl POpper.
Had the chance to talk to Sigmund Freud in person but talked to the apostate Alfred Adler instead.
Then POpper ran away from the conflict in Europe and all the nitwits who didnt have the guts to go off and fight kissed his ass here in New Zealand and the study of psychology given over to another gang of nitwits.
Its ubelievable.
Big ups to Margaret Clark.
when I was doing politics at Victoria she pointed me in the direction of Harold Lasswell who got into the nitty gritty of personal psychological proclivities and the link to politics.
I dont know why. I always felt she didnt like me all that much but she kep steering me in the right direction
I wonder if Harold Lasswell is still on the reading list?
Anyway some old hipster was chucking out the story of their today life and I came across Fear And LOathing on THE CAMPAIGN tRAIL, the last Exit to Brokklyn, Sometimes a great notion and other stuff this morning in the thtift shop so It makes up for all the other crap.
I found Tex Morton vinyl the other day. Tex was a one off. The only oustider to ever make it big in Nasville. They loved him there.
The Real Deal and not some plastic fucking knockoff.
and dont mention keith urban cause he is just a pretty boy with a rich wife who buys the publicity and I've never actually heard one of his albums?
I wonder why?
Dave Letterman.
You wont go to heaven if you keep mocking the Queen Dave.
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