I dont really give a shit about the worlds two fastest men who are now drug users.
If thats their bag then they have to live with it.
Its the way of the world now.
everyone wants an edge and if it comes o

ut of a bottle then so be it.
Just more dishonesty.
Their dishonesty pales into insignificance when sports announcers like Andrew Saville on TV1 persist in using interrogatives when they know they are dishonest.He is just another hair and teeth show pony with a fatal I love Myself disease because I am on teevee.
Just because Richie McCaw uses them does not make it right and in fact makes it doubly dishonest because they are kissing ass and sucking up.
If I was the editor at TV1 I would fine anyone using an interrogative $500 for the first offence and sack them if they did it again.
TVNZ is there to set standards for the community and not an adjunct to the sports industry.
JUstice for Trayvon.
Read Walter Mosleys novel Little Scarlet for an inside view for what it is like to be a Black person in the United States.
The rednecks will be emboldened after this lot.
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