Tuesday, November 24, 2015

politics makes strange bedfellows...

Barack Obama
Hi Boss.
Get the embassy in Wellington New Zealand to send you a clipping from Mondays DominionPost.

Prince Charles.
HI dood. Global warning might be responsible for the upsurge in terrorism but thathere is one more step and that is overpopulation.
the world is teeming with people who have have no rationale for their existence except that they have been called into life by government subsidies and welfare transfer payments.
all despotisms need adherents.

Nearly got into a fight over violence against women.
I am not going to wear a badge for anyone, and that includes women.
And I am against violence to anyone.
Violence is endemic in our society.
It is the only way for nobodies to become somebodies.
Bash someone because unconsciously they need to express repressed aggression.
If that doesn't work then they kill themselves.

Colin Craig.
Take wailboil for every penny.
He says everyone in New Zealand should be scared of him so show him that that is not true.
He sits in his chair farting into his cushion all day telling lies now make him pay!

Andrew Little.
You are right about the pm.
he is just another mouth almighty who dsoen't know his arse from a whole in the ground doing what his back room crew tell him to do.
yakkety yakkety yakkety yak and it dont mean shit!

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