Thursday, November 5, 2015

prigs geeks and defenders of the free world...

Didn't know till I read the letters page this morning that Lockheed Martin were having some sort of expo in Wellington.
Thanks you guys.
You have done more for this country than some wet behind the ears swingeing nincompoops who think they they can order the world into normative obedience.

All things normative.
Heard Kathryn Ryun and some sheila from the department of sticky beaks going on about racism and the Veil.
the Veil is neither cultural nor religious but entirely  a social norm designed to enforce mens will over women.
Trying to defend it is wishy washy thinking of the lowest order.
Why cant you people get it right instead of what amounts to pandering.

And Racism in  the New Zealand Parliament.
Who is David Seymour to tell Members what they can and cant say?
He is from the ACT party who are supposedly libertarians but the is turning into a right little prig!

And Big ups to Ron Mark.
New Zealand is a christian country founded on christian values  and he is right to call Ms Lee out for trying to turn Christian observances nto just another fee shopping day.
I dont know what Gods Ms Lee worships but if they are the gods of money then do let her go where her proclivities can exert themselves untrammelled.
Racism is when you say that if one member of  a race exhibits certain character traits then all members of that race do.
That is not what Ron Mark said.
Cant you idiotes get that right either?

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