Saturday, June 1, 2019

tree for me and none for you...

Great to see the SST featuring trees this sunday.
New Zealand must plant more trees.
If TVNZ had its shit together they would be doing more about this. 
All over it insteado f the banal goo they keep handing out day after day and shilling for the nationals party
Get your arses into gear now.
There are other trees besides natives and pinus insignis.
Kiwis are of the mindset if you see a  tree then in has been put just for you to get your chainsaw out and cut it down so you can prove to the world what a mighty hunter you are.
There are many variety's of trees in the world.
Think  Oak. American Chestnut. Coastal redwood. Pecan, Hickory, Maple, spruce
but beware. if and when you mention these trees then the political wonks go crazy whining up to a crescendo of villification about colonialism.
The oak is  native to the whole of Europe and not just England you bloody noo noo heads.
They are fast growing and provide good hardwood timber.
On the other side of the coin if you mention oak to some people they say yeah the acorns are good for the pigs never stopping to think who planted the dwindling stocks in the first place.
Every autumn I go to the local churchyard and fill a bag with acorns and do a johnny appleseed with them.
This is what teachers should be encouraging kids to do.

and they should be collected and sown by air on the steepest and most erosion prone cut over land in New Zealand.
but no.
there is no immediate return on that so scrub that idea.
kiwis are only interested in trees if there is an immediate pecuniary return.
money money money
the gougers have nearly ruined the native forests and accessible walking tracks for a per capita return from the gawkers but hey there will be another proposiiton or franchise down the road for the plastic people of the universe to invest in.

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